They put on glasses for the first time and their tender reaction moved millions of people

Christian is an eight month old baby who was born with serious vision problems. He has severe farsightedness and astigmatism, and the little he has seen in his short life has been blurry images.

He was prescribed a pair of glasses to correct vision problems and his parents wanted to record the moment they were first put on. His reaction is most touching realizing that he can now clearly see the face of his parents when they speak to him.

At first he does not want his glasses to be placed and he cries. When they finally get them to leave them, at first he seems scared and confused, but then he realizes that he can see around him clearly for the first time.

When his parents ask him: "Do you like your new glasses?"Christian responds with a huge smile that left everyone in love.

Detect vision problems in children

Children are especially sensitive to vision problems and their diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing major problems. It is estimated that around 5 percent of children under six years of age have significant visual difficulties, so it is essential to detect them in time to avoid long-term problems.

The smaller they are, the more complicated it is to detect a visual problem. It is important to monitor your eyes from birth and observe possible symptoms that may indicate visual problems like:

  • The baby does not focus the look
  • Don't follow a face with your eyes
  • Makes strange eye movements
  • His eyes are not aligned
  • It has extreme sensitivity to light
  • Have a droopy eyelid
  • Rubs eyes frequently
  • His eyes tremble
  • Pupils look cloudy, opaque or one is larger than the other

Video: A Conversation With Natalie Noel About Being David Dobrik's Assistant (July 2024).