A seven-year-old girl with alopecia wins the "Crazy Hair Day" contest

I am increasingly sure that it is the children who come to give us great life lessons and not us to them. From acts of kindness and empathy, to great signs of strength, children come to show us that there is a more positive way of seeing the world.

Now, a seven-year-old girl with alopecia, It gives us an incredible show that beauty emanates from our personality and not from our appearance, as well as the importance of strengthening self-esteem from an early age.

Gianessa is a seven year old girl with a beautiful smile and a very cheerful attitude. At the beginning of the year her mother, Daniella Wride noticed that Gianessa had a small area of ​​her head without hair.

Concerned, she took her to the doctor, who told her she was suffering Alopecia, an autoimmune disease that is characterized by hair loss. In just three weeks, Gianessa was running out of hair, until her head was completely bald, however, she continues with a smile on her face.

A couple of months later, a special date for Gianessa at her school, "Crazy Hair Day," was approaching, when students comb their hair in fun and extravagant ways and win the one who wears the most original hairstyle. A year earlier, his mother had turned her hair into a colorful unicorn horn.

With the date on the door, Daniella began to worry because she feared that her daughter would be sad because she could not participate due to her condition, so he thought about the options he would have to do something fun to his daughter.

He decided to go shopping and in the craft section he found a package of stickers that look like precious stones and he thought that bright colors and funny design would go perfect with Gianessa's personality.

In an interview for the Huffington Post, Daniella says that at first Gianessa was not sure about the idea because she didn't know if her classmates would like it. But once he saw in the mirror the result of his mother's work, Gianessa could not contain the emotion.

And how not to be excited? The designs his mother had chosen were very cute: an owl, a butterfly and many colorful flowers that decorated his head.

When Gianessa arrived at school, her classmates were immediately fascinated with the ornaments on her head, so much so that some even told him that they wished they could do something like that. When Gianessa returned from class, she told her mother that everyone had loved her "crazy hair."

Undoubtedly, this is the example of a mother who has managed to handle in a positive way a situation that could have become a cause for sadness for her daughter. Gianessa also takes the credit, because in addition to children tend to see the positive side of things, her cheerful personality makes her even more beautiful and confident.

I think this is a good example of how important it is to talk about beauty with our daughters before the beauty industry does. Reaffirming to your daughter that she is beautiful with or without hair definitely helps a lot. And about the contest? Well, Gianessa won it.

Daniella is very happy and impressed with how well people have taken her daughter's attitude, thanking everyone for their messages of support and encouraging people who also suffer from alopecia to use what is most comfortable for them and always wear it with pride.

Video: Creative young girl with alopecia wins school's Crazy Hair Day (July 2024).