Textile care guide: the 9 most common stains you will suffer with children and how to treat them

Preventing babies and young children from smearing is not only impossible, but not recommended. Explore the environment around them in key to their development. However, for their parents it is a daily struggle to eliminate the toughest stains. This textile care guide will help you remove the most frequent spots which you will have to face having children at home.

First, we propose some general recommendations that have to be taken into account whatever the type of stain and fabric:

  • Always follow the manufacturer's washing instructions on the labels before pretreating and washing clothes.
  • It is advisable to wash stained items as soon as possible, as fresh stains can be removed more easily.
  • In case of difficult stains, it is convenient to wash at the maximum temperature recommended on the garment labels.
  • In colored garments, always first test a little of the product in a non-visible area. This will check the color resistance.

1. Vomit spots on your cotton shirt.

You just gave the snack to the little one, you take him in his arms and ... Horror! The shirt throws up. Do not panic. If the garment is made of cotton, Vomit spots are easier to remove than it seems.

First, remove the solid debris with a spatula or knife with a smooth edge. Rinse the garment with cold water and let it soak for 20 minutes with a little Neutrex with bleach in the case of white clothes, or with Neutrex Oxi 5 Color for colored clothes. Then, wash the garment in the washing machine.

2. Fruit stains or juices on bibs.

Is one of the most common spots and also one of the most difficult to eliminate The key is to act quickly by introducing the bib in water with a little bleach if it is white, or Neutrex Oxi 5 Color. Subsequently, you can normally wash the garment in the washing machine.

3. A bubble gum stuck on the sleeve of the sweatshirt.

But what is that sticky on your little girl's sweatshirt sleeve? Well, a gum. Sounds like this scene, right? The next time it happens to you, apply an ice cube to the gum adhered to the tissue. Wait a few minutes and, when the dough has become hard, separate it with a spatula. Then wash it in a washing machine according to the usual procedure.

Another way to get rid of gum stains is put vegetable paper on top and pass the iron. With the heat the gum will stick to the paper and you can take care of the laundry.

4. Stains of grass on the pants.

Little explorers are restless and love to go outside to play. In the parks, our children frolic in the grass at ease and feel happy. And when they play football, the spots are even more frequent. The worst part is his pants! But it is also nothing that cannot be solved.

To remove grass stains from the knees, soak the garment with warm water and add a little Neutrex with bleach in the case of white clothes, or with Neutrex Oxi 5 Color for colored clothes. Finally, wash the garment in the washing machine.

5. Stains of ketchup or ketchup.

Remove the solid remains of the garment and follow the same cleaning advice we gave you in the previous case.

6. Chocolate or ice cream stains.

Let your children enjoy their dessert and do not worry about stains. If your clothes have just been dyed with candy, get rid of excess stains with a spoon. Second, pretreat the dirty area with a good liquid detergent containing enzymes, such as Wipp Express Gel for white clothes, or Micolor Gel for colored clothes. Then wash the garment in the washing machine. It will look like new!

7. Grease stains.

If the garment is white, apply a little Wipp Express Gel or Mistol detergent directly to the stain. If it is colored, apply Micolor Gel. Leave this solution to act for a maximum of 20 minutes, without allowing the product to dry on the garment. Then you can wash it in the washing machine at the maximum temperature allowed on your label

8. Mud spots on sneakers.

Moms with preschoolers face these spots daily. To combat them effectively, nothing better than let the mud stain dry to avoid spreading it. Then, it is best to scrape the sole with the edge of a knife to extract as much as possible. Finally, we can wash the sports in the washing machine at a few revolutions. If they are white, we can use a bleach or bleach as a pretreatment. In the colored ones we can apply a little detergent. Finally we will leave Dry the shoes outdoors.

9. Blood stains.

The blood ones are other of the most complicated spots to treat. Yes the stained garment is rinsed in cold water as soon as possible, are eliminated much better. Then, we can apply a product like Neutrex Oxi Pure White or Neutrex Oxi 5 Color directly on the stain. Finally, we will rinse again and wash in the washing machine with a liquid detergent.

Images | iStock / Evgenyatamanenko / FamVeld / Yobro10 / Halfpoint.

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