A father transforms his son's wheelchair into a spectacular costume: Ghostbusters Ecto-1

Days ago we talked about a father of three children with spinal muscular atrophy that creates amazing costumes for children in wheelchairs, but he is not the only one who makes children with disabilities happy.

Ryan Scott Miller, a father from California, has an unusual wit and He makes spectacular Halloween costumes for his son Jeremy, 9 years with spina bifida. This year, He managed to transform his wheelchair into Ghostbusters Ecto-1.

He has been doing it a few years ago and is overcome in each new attempt. This year, he put to the vote the disguise he would make and family friends chose the mythical vehicle of the Ghostbusters movie.

The transformation of the wheelchair includes headlights, a siren light and two speakers, in one of them you can hear the main theme of the film and in another the emergency siren. It also has taillights, as well as a ladder, and a satellite dish, a almost exact replica of the iconic movie car with which Jeremy posed a few days ago.



Jeremy can't be happier! I see it in your face. And share your joy with other children. Last week he visited a children's hospital where he showed his vehicle to the children who were admitted there.

Jeremy Ghostbusters in his Ecto-1

Jeremy's other Halloween costumes

It is not the first costume that Ryan made for his son who is in a wheelchair since he was three years old. Previous years have created amazing productions so that Jeremy could participate in Halloween costume contests like any other child.

Star Wars in 2015

Captain America in 2014

Mickey Mouse in 2013