Occurring publicity shows "pregnant" men with beer bellies

Have you ever wondered what a pregnant man would look like? Well, the German beer brand Bergedorfer Bier has come up with the fun idea of ​​creating an advertisement with pregnant men, but beer belly.

The name of the campaign is "Brewed with love", in Spanish "made with love" or "fermented with love", motto that can also be applied to the gestation of a baby in his mother's belly.

The images show men of all ages dressed in underwear, in a "pregnancy" pose and stroking their bulging bellies, as if they were waiting for a baby.

The intention is to show the true love that men feel for their beer and that intimate moment of connection with what they love most.

A genius from the agency Jung von Matt / Alster to have some fun with these images. Did your partners ever ask if they were also pregnant by their beer belly?

Video: The Anna Nicole Show Publicity Tour : Ep10 (July 2024).