Postpartum, breastfeeding and sport: how to achieve the perfect combination

Moderate physical activity in postpartum and breastfeeding can bring many benefits to the mother, so it is normal and healthy to resume exercise after having the baby, provided there is no complication in the postpartum period. There will be some exercises that are not suitable for this stage, but most likely you don't feel like doing them too. We also talk about them below.

And, although the baby does not seem newborn, it is possible to burn fat and gradually lose weight (although it is likely that to return to our previous size even have to spend years), without negatively affecting our health or breastfeeding, following certain recommendations and avoiding some type of exercise not suitable at the beginning.

Exercises not recommended in postpartum and lactation

  • Activities that require too much agitation, a very high heart rate increase (this value varies by age: at 20 years up to 150 beats per minute; at 30 years up to 142 beats per minute; at 40 years up to 135). This recommendation of control heart rate It serves anyone, and in the recent mother will allow calories to be consumed avoiding the accumulation of lactic acid. Remember that relevant activities can favor breastfeeding.

  • Sports that require a lot of energy consumption (tennis, jogging, cross-country skiing, long races ...), since if we add the calories spent on breastfeeding (about 400/500 a day) this would be more fatigue. The best for this stage are aerobic and gentle activities (swimming, fast walks, cycling ...). In addition, remember that performing intense exercise immediately after childbirth can cause incontinence and muscle problems.

  • At the beginning of breastfeeding, it is common for the breasts to be more swollen than normal due to the rise in milk and be more sensitive and painful. Fortunately, this discomfort disappears when breastfeeding is established, but in the meantime, it is better to avoid exercises that involve jumps or sudden movements. In any case, you must always wear an appropriate bra in size and support, sports, elastic and passable fabric, which is firm and comfortable when exercising.

  • Although it is not related to breastfeeding, it should be remembered that if we have suffered an episiotomy Avoid exercises that involve a wide separation of the legs (although I do not think any recent mother wants to ride a horse after this) or a pressure in the pubis. Nor is it too much weather (bike, canoe ...) right now. In the case of caesarean section, abdominal exercises will be avoided.

  • Of course, it is not convenient to start performing any exercise intensely if you have never done it before. It is always recommended to start the postpartum exercise gradually, without haste, until you reach a rhythm appropriate to our needs and our well-being.

Apart from this type of exercises we should avoid in postpartum and breastfeeding considerations, it is convenient to remember all the advice to play sports after having had the baby and especially that the practice of moderate physical activity will help us to feel better inside and out.

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Video: 3 MUST-KNOW FACTS for Breastfeeding While Exercising. Milk Supply (July 2024).