A mother of five children decides to postpone cancer treatment to save the life of the baby she expects

When we know stories like the Vaillancourt family, we can only think about how unfair life is sometimes, and how from one day to the next it takes a completely unexpected turn. Kim and Phil Vaillancourt lived one of their fullest moments. They are parents of two biological children and had just adopted three girls when they were surprised that a new baby was coming.

It was all happiness in its purest state until last Christmas a severe headache and nausea caused Kim to go to the emergency room for fear that something was wrong in her pregnancy. The pregnancy was going well, but he received devastating news: he was diagnosed with a brain cancer and immediately had to undergo surgery to remove two tumors that would not have killed them if not removed. Although you should undergo radiation and chemotherapy treatment, because of how risky it could be for your pregnancy, He decided to postpone cancer treatment to save the life of the baby he expects.

Kim was diagnosed with a stage four glioblastoma, the most common, most malignant and rapidly growing brain tumor. According to doctors, this type of cancer has an average survival of 14 months, but the Vaillancourt do not lose hope. Meanwhile, she undergoes checks every two weeks to check if any type of abnormal activity appears.

"He saved me, now I must save him" it was the mother's words, referring to the fact that if it had not been because she was worried about her pregnancy, she would not have gone to the emergency room and the tumors had never been detected. Although doctors often recommend abortion before a diagnosis of cancer, the family decided to go ahead with the pregnancy and begin treatment after the birth of Wyatt, the name they have chosen for the baby.

The whole family is aware of the new situation and they take it with as much strength as possible, making plans for when mom is not at home and they have to deal with the care of the newborn. It will not be easy, but they have the support of family and close friends, in addition to having launched a donation campaign to pay for expenses. Hopefully everything goes well for this family and they can soon look as radiant as they are seen in the photos together with the new family member.

Video: What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion? (July 2024).