How to detect if your child suffers bullying

We get the creeps when knowing cases of children who suffer bullying or bullying, and precisely because bullying situations are usually kept hidden it is very important that parents are well informed and know Identify warning signs: how to detect if your child suffers bullying.

It is believed that 17% of children suffer some type of bullying, and it is not just a matter of older children. It is a situation that occurs in children of all ages, cases are recorded from 3 years to adolescence and sometimes can reach extremes causing real tragedies such as the child's suicide.

They omit information about the school

Bullying by peers is one of the worst things a child can experience. Many times the parents do not know what is happening until it is too late and the damage to the child is already done.

That is why communication is the key. It is important that since they are small let's ask our children every day how they did in school, that we worry about what they do, with whom they interact, with those who play at recesses, who are their friends, if they suffer teasing, humiliation, if they have motes ... And if one day the child has experienced a conflictive situation, help him solve it in the best possible way.

The natural tendency of the child is to hide the harassment, because he is afraid, because he is threatened or because he thinks it will happen, he avoids telling the truth. Why yes start omitting information about the school, is an alarm signal.

In Babies and more "This is what bullying does", the painful publication of a mother to raise awareness of the damage that bullying can cause

Young children, between 5 and 7 years old, avoid pronouncing the name of the bullies, experts explain, because naming them is as if they were brought to reality.

Modify their behavior

One of the first signs that the child has a problem is the behavioral changes. They are not sudden changes, but they occur very slowly and gradually affect your personality.

Children who were formerly extroverts start not wanting to talk to their friends, or family. They stop dating.

The child who is bullied avoids going to a place where he suffers every day. Of course, he doesn't want to go to school. He asks to skip class, gets nervous when he has to go to school and starts absent often.

He looks sad, shows mood swings and usually lowers his academic performance. Suffer inexplicable fears or isolate yourself. You may suffer attacks of anger, violence or look more irritable than normal.

The problem is that as some behaviors are so common in adolescence, it is often difficult to identify them as alarm signals.

They have psychosomatic symptoms

It is very common for the child who suffers harassment to present psychosomatic symptoms such as stomach or headaches without real medical cause, choking sensation, trembling, palpitations, or changes in appetite or sleep. They are real symptoms, but there is no medical cause to explain them.

They are doing well on the weekend, but Sunday night is beginning to feel bad.

They stop participating in activities

In his attempt to avoid any contact with the bully (s), the child stops going on excursions, birthdays, parties, or any event that may lead to a new harassment.

In Babies and more Victims of bullying with four years: bullying at preschool

They lose objects

They begin to lose things, such as school supplies or personal belongings. Taking away their belongings is often used by bullies as a means of intimidation.

They may also appear with broken clothing or belongings, such as a case, a damaged notebook or a damaged coat without explanation.

The role of the family in bullying

Prevention is key to stop bullying, something in which the family has a lot to do. The family environment must contain the child, listen without judging him and not look the other way or trivialize the matter. At the slightest symptom, parents should take action on the matter because "they are not children's things" and it is not solved with a "hit you stronger". Bullying is violence.

In Babies and more Ten key experts to combat and prevent bullying

'I am Holly'

This great video was made by students and teachers of the Bedford High School, in Wigan on the occasion of the anti-bullying week promoted by the English organization anti-bullying alliance.

IStockphoto Pictures
In Babies and more | Children as observers of bullying, bullying: helping our children

Video: Secret Signs That You Are Being Bullied (July 2024).