The spatial orientation is improved by playing!

One of the basic skills that babies should learn as they grow is the Spatial Orientation, since it influences when it comes to acquiring knowledge such as writing and reading and it has utilities as practical as not being lost when they are playing in the park and knowing how to find us, or when they are older they do not have problems when it comes to locating with a map. The best way to develop it? Playing of course.

Games to develop spatial orientation

In daycare centers and schools they try every day to promote laterality of children, that is, teach them to use both hemispheres of the brain equally, since it also influences motor and spatial skills. There are some physical exercises that favor it, such as crawl. Even when they are walking, in many schools they continue to practice crawling, dragging and brachy ladder to promote balance and development in children.

Parents can play with children to improve their spatial orientation with games such as hide and seek, games with balls, to use both hands and both feet, memory games, to locate images on a board, or with songs that involve moving the hands and directing them to different parts of the body.

Remote Control Toys

Distinguish up, down, left and right It is not only important when writing (for example, to be clear about the directionality of letters such as p, d, q or b), but also for sports, since children should know how to place themselves in large spaces, for drawing and for mental representation of space and time: how we place ourselves in relation to the space around us, how we control the occupation of empty spaces, how we calculate the distances in front of objects, to throw a ball, slow down at the right time etc., and how we move in the space overcoming obstacles, climbing, jumping and turning.

To learn to place oneself in space, the remote control toys They can be very useful, as they move in all directions and must dodge fixed and mobile objects. And children love them. The Fiat 500 Sport Radiocontrol can be your first car with remote control, since it is safe, easy to use and can be used as of the year.

Its beautiful design, a replica of the authentic Fiat 500It has all the details of a racing vehicle, in addition to imitating the sound of the horn and the engine, one of the favorite functions of the little one in the house. He steering wheel It is totally intuitive and drives like a real car, turning the steering wheel left and right the car responds in that direction.

A funny toy with which to stimulate the imagination and creativity of the child and with which he will acquire cognitive skills without hardly realizing it, discovering how the car has to be located in the space so as not to collide, dodging obstacles and continuing to move.

Ready to teach your child to drive as a Formula 1 driver?

In Chicco Moments

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Video: Improving Spatial Orientation in Immersive Environments (May 2024).