The best post on breastfeeding of 2015

We finish with our review of the best posts of 2014 in Babies and more, and with the Christmas holidays around the corner, and we bring you those articles that have interested you most, the most commented, the most controversial ... Today is the turn of a topic that worries many dads and moms, The best posts about breastfeeding.

We return with issues such as breastfeeding in public, when to leave it (if you really have to do it) and a lot of other issues that you can find now together, in case you missed them in your day.

From when does it stop making sense to give breast milk because it is already like giving water?

The Bible says that Jesus worked a miracle in which he multiplied bread and fish and transformed water into wine. It is possible that after this episode, and with uneasy awareness regarding women, that is why having created the first one, Eva, from Adam's rib (from the rib or from the penile bone, as the new ones say theories), God decided to give them the ability to work miracles too, managing to transform their milk, breast milk, into water.

When breastfeeding goes so bad that the baby cries and the mother cries

When you are close to giving birth you think about how wonderful it will be to have him already in his arms, to punch him, to kiss him, to dress him, to see him with the clothes that you have bought him, to enjoy with his presence, to teach people the new love of your life, take pictures to always remember, feed him ... feed him !?

Yes, in principle yes, feeding him is also part of the beautiful things: see him suck, hear him swallow, see how he puts the little hand on his chest as if he is not going to escape and see him sleep peacefully after that moment. Unless all this does not happen and the baby clings to the chest, hurts, grabs, separates, puts his hands in front, cries, sucks, falls asleep and after five minutes it all starts again: it is breastfeeding that It makes you feel guilty, breastfeeding fails, breastfeeding makes you cry.

A mother publishes a photo breastfeeding her baby in a restaurant to silence those who criticize her

It seems incredible that breastfeeding in public is a topic that ignites so many reactions. It is normal and natural. A baby is hungry and his mother feeds him with his chest, there is no more than that. However, many mothers still have to endure disapproving looks when they breastfeed their babies in public.

This is what has happened to Ashley Kaidel, a 24-year-old mother from Florida who decided to publish a post to silence those who criticize her that she has gone viral with the photo you see above breastfeeding her baby in a restaurant.

Every night millions of women sleep with a tit outside

Do you see this woman in the picture? It's my wife. Well, my wife, and millions of women who sleep every night with one tit outside, or with the other, or with both. Or it was, because now almost a year ago that Guim, the little one of the three, left his chest of his own free will. With her breastfeeding, with my wife's third lactation, she added 9 years of breastfeeding to three children, equivalent to 9 years with a breast outside midnight, and 9 years in which when I turned around I saw the same Than in the illustration.

The fat that women accumulate in their hip has a reason: to be the fat in breast milk

For a long time people have wondered why men have a body with more muscle and a lower percentage of fat than women, or what is the same, why the normal configuration of women has more curves than that of women. men, that we are straighter (there are always variations, of course, but let's talk about the average).

One of the reasons is that women, in their interior, conceive and give birth to babies, and therefore need a wider hip and another, that women tend to accumulate more fat in that area because in the future, when Be a mother, will become part of breast milk with an important mission: to help the brain development of babies. That is, to explain it without many detours, that the fat that women have in the buttocks and thighs is what makes their babies' brains develop correctly.

Eva Hache speaks clearly about breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning

A couple of years ago we talked about her because we liked her saying that raising children is a gift for society. Today we bring Eva Hache back to the blog because she has conquered us again.

This year, taking advantage of her time at Cuatro's program, 'Planeta Calleja', in which the host overcame a spectacular challenge in Alaska. He has been asked about his motherhood and Eva has spoken clearly about breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning.

Scarlett Johansson made headlines in the Oscars for pumping milk backstage

When a famous woman performs at the Oscars gala, it is news for her dress, her hairstyle, for winning a prize, for giving it, etc. Surely Scarlett Johansson was as much for her dress as for her modern hairstyle, but it was also for something that was not seen at the gala.

Apparently, just before leaving to present her award, the actress dedicated herself to pumping milk behind the scenes. The moment transcended the press and many mothers, many women, appreciate the gesture.

They find a relationship between breast milk for more than a year and the intelligence and salary of adults in their 30s

Brazilian research, whose results have been published recently, in which they have analyzed babies who were breastfed, seeing that there is a relationship that seems consistent between breastfeeding more than 12 months, the level of intelligence and income. Come on, they saw that adults in their 30s who did not drink breast milk for more than a year have a lower level of intelligence and a lower salary.

Two beautiful breastfeeding photos with a lot of message that Facebook no longer censures

Facebook has long censored the photos of women breastfeeding. A month ago, he announced that the photos of women breastfeeding would no longer be considered obscene and thanks to that change, beautiful photos begin to be seen on the well-known social network.

The miracle of breastfeeding after overcoming breast cancer

Emotion is pure state. That is what the images of Sera McCorkle describe breastfeeding her baby for the first time after a few months after becoming pregnant, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. A photographer immortalized the moment and the result perfectly describes what it can mean for a woman to breastfeed her son ...

The Government of Nepal requests that artificial milk and baby food not be sent to them

A news that shocks us at the beginning but that makes a lot of sense when analyzed in depth.

"The natural age of weaning goes from 2 and a half years to 7 years." Interview with anthropologist Kathy Dettwyler

Babies and more interviews with anthropologist Kathy Dettwyler, an eminence worldwide regarding the cultural, anthropological and ethological aspects of human breastfeeding. From what we have been able to find out is the first interview that Dr. Dettwyler, currently a professor at the University of Delaware, granted to Spanish media.

Breast milk has no advantages for the baby (it is artificial milk that has disadvantages)

When a woman or a man searches for information to feed her baby it is easy to find blog entries, articles in magazines and even books that explain that breast milk is the best because it has a lot of benefits for the baby and the mother. Something like the bottle is what has always been given, artificial milk is what all babies take, but if you want, you can give something even better that adds a plus to the health of children.

It is not that it is false, but it is a way of explaining the totally perverse movie that manipulates the message so that the sensation of the person receiving the information is that both are perfectly valid options and that breastfeeding is only "in case you want to give something a a little better". The reality, the way it should be explained is quite different: breast milk has no advantages for the baby (it is artificial milk that has disadvantages).

The most beautiful photos of breastfeeding to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week

On the World Day of Breastfeeding we present you the best photos about lacyancia that we have found.

A nurse breastfeeds a baby to calm the pain of the intervention

It seems that Chinese hospitals have returned to get our attention with a new case of humanization in the operating rooms, if a few days ago we told you the story of the doctor who stopped an operation to reassure his young patient, today we bring a similar case, the of the nurse who breastfed a baby to calm the pain of the intervention they were doing.

WHO makes it official: recommends breastfeeding babies while receiving vaccinations

It is a matter of great concern to parents and the World Health Organization had to position itself on the reduction of pain caused by vaccination. For the first time, WHO is preparing a document on this topic that we have talked about so many times in the blog and it is clear in this regard: it is convenient to breastfeed infants during vaccination or immediately after.

In other words, tetanalgesia or the calming effect of babies being breastfed is somehow "official", a concept advocated by many pediatricians and of course by many mothers who have proven their effectiveness.

Video: Breastfeeding 101: Is Breast Always Best? (July 2024).