Water, the best drink for sports children

We already sell too many "revitalizing" products to the elderly and we may think that we have to buy them also for children when they exercise. But pediatricians pronounce and affirm that Water is the best drink for sports children, to replenish fluid when they perform a physical activity.

That children do sports brings them many benefits, but it must be done taking into account some tips so that health does not suffer. One of them is the one of the correct hydration, since when forcing the body many liquids are lost and if they are not replaced the children, like the adults, could become dehydrated.

When exercising, body temperature increases and with it sweating, losing water and electrolytes, especially in younger children and if it is very hot.

If the sporting activity is intense, the child must be offered from liter to liter and a half per hour, which should not be taken at once. You have to drink liquids before, during and after each practice or game and do it little by little.

Avoid drinks that contain gas or caffeine. And although there are many drinks with different compositions and flavors on the market that usually carry water, electrolytes and sugars in different concentrations (Aquarius type), the Spanish Association of Pediatrics notes that

fresh water (12-13 ° C) is the ideal restorative drink and a greater benefit of commercial drinks for the rehydration of the athlete has not been proven.

Remember that you have to be cautious with juices and soft drinks that include many sugars, acids, gas ... and that do not meet as well as water with the function of hydrating, in addition to carrying risks if they are frequently taken as caries, overweight ... AND We cannot fail to mention that water is also cheaper.

So we know, when it comes to sports, going out to exercise and especially it is the high temperatures, which is when they perspire the most, you have to take the water bottle with us. Water is the best drink for sports children and the healthiest, as for all children and not only when there is physical activity.

Video: Hydration: Sports Drinks vs Water - Texas Children's Sports Medicine (July 2024).