"It is not necessary for now to request the obligatory nature of vaccines, we prefer the scientific and ethical argument to convince with the word", Dr. David Moreno, Coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics

Following the case of the unvaccinated Olot child who has been infected with diphtheria, a disease that disappeared in Spain 28 years ago, added to measles outbreaks and the increase in cases of pertussis in recent years, all diseases preventable with vaccines, it is common sense to ask at this point if it should be mandatory to vaccinate children.

We've asked the biggest vaccine experts in the country, the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. Your coordinator, Dr. David Moreno, has kindly agreed to answer our questions:

The case of the child with diphtheria has ignited all alarms, how could this child have been infected? Are our children helpless?

In principle, always from another person who has the bacteria in their throat. Transmission is always from person to person, by respiratory secretions. In principle, if children are properly vaccinated, they are not helpless. What would have happened if I had been vaccinated? That most likely, he wouldn't have gotten sick.

Why is it important to vaccinate children? What are the consequences of not doing so, for the children themselves and for others?

To protect them from all those infectious diseases that are prevented with vaccines. Otherwise, they can get sick unnecessarily, and in turn infect other people.

That parents do not vaccinate their children could cause diseases that we thought eradicated to reappear?

Of course, we have checked the example now.

"Parents must consciously and responsibly assume the damages that may occur due to non-vaccination"

Do you think schools should demand a vaccination certificate before enrolling children?

It is more important to improve information about vaccines, to convince them that they are beneficial, with minimal risks.

What is the percentage of unvaccinated children in Spain? Is it an acceptable percentage?

Less than 5% It has increased minimally in recent years, by 1-2%. It is not an acceptable percentage, we want all children who can be vaccinated to get vaccinated.

The reaction of the League for Free Vaccination to Olot's case has been to remain in his thirteen not to vaccinate, what does the AEP Vaccine Advisory Committee answer?

That they provide reliable scientific data to their assertions, that our documents are read well, based on scientific evidence. That vaccines have already saved 1.5 billion lives, more than any other medical intervention in history.

From the Spanish Association of Pediatrics you always insist on the recommendation to vaccinate children, do you think you have to go one step further and ask for the obligatory nature? Could you do it

It is not necessary for now. We prefer the scientific and ethical argument to convince with the word. First, because the obligation entails feelings against society. Second, because convincing with scientific data would be the reflection of a more modern and honest society. And third, because really today, it is not necessary.

"Vaccines should be a right of all children"

On the one hand, we have excellent vaccine coverage in childhood (95%), the result of a large daily preventive work of health professionals, mainly pediatrics and nursing, and on the other hand, we have controlled most of the preventable infectious diseases by calendar vaccinations.

However, it must be made clear to parents that vaccines should be a right for all children, and that they must consciously and responsibly assume the damages that may occur from non-vaccination.

Finally, should it be regulated by law to vaccinate children?

We think that, for now, no. But if after exhausting all the means mentioned, the vaccine coverage began to decline and uncontrolled outbreaks of preventable infections began, it should be raised.

We thank the Dr. David Moreno, Coordinator of the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, which has answered our questions at this time, when they are overwhelmed with interviews because of the case of diphtheria and the preparation of the AEP Congress that begins this Thursday.

In Babies and more | Childhood vaccines should be mandatory, such as rabies in dogs, why not vaccinating children threatens everyone's health

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