Future parents also have them: six symptoms of pregnancy in men

Pregnancy changes affect not only the woman, but in some cases, also her partner. Future parents may feel the same symptoms that their pregnant women have, a phenomenon known as Covada Syndrome, a term from the French "couvade" (hatching).

There is no physical cause, but the empathy and emotional connection established with the couple sometimes causes, from the moment they learn about the pregnancy, that they also begin to feel changes. We will comment six symptoms of pregnancy that men suffer. If you have any more, we invite you to add it to the list.


It is normal for man to experience anxiety pictures, due to the proximity of his fatherhood. Insomnia, fatigue, increases in tension and stress are not exclusive symptoms of women. The man also shares concerns about his wife's pregnancy.

They feel restless about the development of pregnancy, medical tests, they worry if they will be ready for childbirth and if they will do well at birth. In these cases, the more involved the man is In the pregnancy process, you can have more confidence in yourself and pass it on to your partner.

Morning sickness

Parents may also suffer from the annoying morning sickness that affects pregnant women during the first months of pregnancy.

There are several studies that have dealt with it without finding a compelling reason. In women, it is the increase in estrogen, in men it is believed that it is linked to the anxiety we talked about before, as well as to changes in the diet, since it is common for men to eat more to relieve stress.

Weight gain

Not only is the pregnant woman's belly growing, but also that of her partner. The scale reveals a weight gain that increases as the pregnancy progresses. It is believed that the man earns about 6 kilos during the pregnancy of his wife.

Also due to the anxiety that causes changes in the diet. The most likely culprit is cortisol, nicknamed the "stress hormone", which is secreted in higher volumes during periods of anxiety. Cortisol regulates insulin and blood sugar levels so there may be a feeling of hunger when there really isn't.

Like women, it is convenient for men to also control weight gain during pregnancy and take better care of their diet.

Humor changes

Man also experiences a emotions roller coaster during pregnancy, especially during the first weeks.

He feels worried about the closeness of his fatherhood and suffers all kinds of emotions. It can go from joy to sadness, from tranquility to anxiety or from sweetness to irritability in a very short period of time.

Changes in sexual appetite

Sex life is also affected in pregnancy. In some men, the libido decides to go on a trip until after delivery, while others live sex more intensely during these months.

The physical changes that the mother experiences can motivate some, but demotivate others. Many are afraid of hurting the baby by having sex (quiet, it is impossible to harm the baby), so take advantage of sex during pregnancy because it can be a very pleasant experience for all three.

Aches and pains

Some men become more "complaining" than usual as for aches and pains. Typical discomforts of pregnant women such as back pain, sciatica, headache or cramps are also suffered by him.

Researchers do not find a physical cause to these pains, which in the case of women is caused by the action of hormones. What is believed is that it is due to a mechanism of identification with the couple or in some cases, subconscious feelings of competition, since although he does not have a baby inside, he is also close to becoming a father.