The traces of pregnancy shown by Jade Beall

One of the things I am trying now that I am pregnant is to avoid stretch marks on the body. Of course, I am aware that despite the creams there is a genetic component that I cannot avoid, so I'm also trying to accept them now In case I am not one of the lucky ones who do not go out. Today I just came across some new photos of Jade Beall (who became famous for the photos of women breastfeeding and who were censored by Facebook), and I think it was one of the best motivations I could find ... Who said pregnancy traces couldn't be beautiful?.

This series of photos is born from his own experience, since after giving birth he gained about 25 kilos and fell into a postpartum depression, until he accepted his body and the reason why he had transformed in this way. The images of course are not retouched by photoshop to show the reality of the woman's body after childbirth.

It has given me a lot to think about. Depression is more common than we think and this is one of its main reasons ... maybe the see these types of images and not models with perfect measurements be a good grain of sand for all those that have passed (or are about to happen), for this situation.

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Photos | Jade beall

Video: Bodies of mothers: Jade Beall at TEDxPitic (April 2024).