What happens if you ask a boy to hit a girl ?: Curious experiment with children

We live in a world where many people consider it lawful to submit or control their partner's life through violence. The most heartbreaking cases are usually when it happens from man to woman, and it is time for it to be said enough all kinds of violence.

We also live in a world in which many children outnumber many adults in moral authority, that is, in which many would have to learn how children behave, because many have lost the ability to be empathic and respectful of others.

What would happen if you asked a boy to hit a girl? A curious experiment done with children shows us.

In the world of children, women are not beaten

The video ends with this great phrase, which says that in the world of children women are not beaten. Some children explain it this way, that they can't hit her because she is a girl, but others go further and, in a speech that I like more, they say they don't do it because they are against violence, because they don't want to harm her or because it doesn't stick to others.

What would any killer say if they had asked him as a child? I do not know. Surely many would have said the same thing as these children, some because they would really believe it and others because they would have already learned to be one way in the face of others and another in privacy, but it is worth seeing the children to understand that violence, treating others badly, is something that you learn from the elderly, from the environment, to see that your father does it with your mother, to see that your mother does it with you, to see that hitting and threatening serves to get what you want while those around you keep quiet and let you do.

Well, let's learn from children and be clear that it does not stick, to nobody. Neither your wife, nor your husband, nor your partner, nor your parents, nor your children.