"Road to Change" continues its journey to raise awareness of Child Sexual Abuse

The Scot Matthew McVarish spent a few days in Spain presenting the campaign “Road to change. Walk to stop of silence: stop child sexual abuse" In the next few weeks he will go to Lisbon, and he will only have four destinations to finish his tour on February 7 in Edinburgh.

This is an action that has the support of Stop the Silence, and aims to increase the awareness about child sexual abuse, while proposing plans to end the problem.

McVarish is an actor and writer, when he finishes in the capital of Scotland, he will have traveled 10,000 miles (the equivalent of 16,000 kilometers); and will have personally asked different relevant authorities in the social, political and religious landscape to support “Road to change”.

Your own experience as a child abused by a family member (remember that in 80 percent of cases it is a person from the immediate environment who exercises the abuse); leads him to look for support that allows greater visibility of this serious problem, and regulatory reforms.

For example, it is the less surprising, that only in the United Kingdom and Cyprus, these crimes do not prescribe. And it makes perfect sense to ask that this be generalized: for different reasons, children either don't tell it or aren't believed. With the passage of time the memory is blocked as a mechanism of self-defense (it is too painful for a child to continue with that burden). So in the event that the experience subsequently reappears, it happens many years later, when the crime has already prescribed.

I haven't found many reviews of the McVarish campaign, which responds to a blind and deaf society (or little receptive to the subject). However, official figures indicate that approximately one in five European children will suffer sexual abuse before they turn 18.

It is a hidden reality, which is perpetuated aided by the silence of the victims and their families. As Matthew says: “the main problem is silence, which compromises the proper treatment of victims, and encourages the same abusers to be in contact with other children again.

He still has about four thousand kilometers: it is little or a lot, depending on how you look at it. In the same way as to be aware or not that child sexual abuse is occurring in our environment, helps the solution, or allows continuity.

Through the campaign website, McVarish also collects donations.

Video: Tee Grizzley - "Satish" Official Video (May 2024).