Television and children, what to do if they spend too much time in front of the screen?

Television is a reality present in most homes, but it is not good for children to spend too much time in front of this device. That's why we ask ourselves, What to do if a child spends too much time in front of the television?

We could conclude that if a child watches TV for too long, it is because he has "nothing better to do". And there are better things. So, we have to offer you the possibility to change activity so that it is entertaining and fun, also for you to learn. Because TV can be good for a little while, but not in excess.

Television could help children learn, but it has to be controlled, for a limited time and with the right programs. Although this last point is controversial, because not everyone thinks that "educational" programs are so ...

Tips to prevent television addiction

  • He develops activities in common with the children without the TV being the protagonist: painting, playing, playing sports, walking, doing puzzles, assembling toys ... Whenever possible, all family members will be integrated.

  • Limit the time of watching TV and control the programs your child watches. Share those moments in front of the screen.

  • Do not put the child in front of the TV while doing other things at home. For example, you can "help" us clean by doing small tasks, or we play children's music or sing together while the adult cooks ...

  • It is not convenient to use television to reassure the child or to sleep it, because you can get used to it. Sometimes a song, a drawing, a story, makes the same relaxing effect for the little one.

  • Place the television in a common place in the home and not in your room. That way you will watch TV as a family and you can comment on the content, give explanations ... and then do other related activities such as those we have indicated in the first point.

  • Do not eat or have dinner with the TV on, is a very nice family moment to communicate.

  • Talk about the negative effects of watching a lot of TV, such as the risk of obesity if we do not move much, and also the positive of doing other activities that are not in front of the screens and that we will put into practice.

  • Preach by example: we are the mirror in which they look and if we do not give so much importance to television they will see the positivi of it.

Children will miss many things if they spend too much time in front of the screens, so we have to prevent his addiction to television. Watch it promptly, enjoy a family movie or your favorite drawings, but that TV does not become your most faithful companion ...

Video: How Too Many Screens Affect Our Brain (July 2024).