Hiking with kids: we repeat the route from the Puerto de Navacerrada to the Bola del Mundo

This summer we have returned to repeat with the little, with eleven years already, and his friends, twelve years old, the rise to Ball of the World from the Port of Navacerrada. I remember that it is a hiking activity, recommended to do with kids and with a moderate degree of difficulty. They run around six kilometers, round trip and ascends from the 1,836 meters of the Port of Navacerrada until the 2,257 meters in which is the Ball of the World. Along the way this year we met several families with their children and also other people who were doing the walk alone or as a couple. In addition we saw the usual cyclists who climb, some making grinder and others at a slightly higher rate through the steep slopes of cement.

This year I think that we got up early and we went much faster than the previous one. Knowing the road assured us few surprises although this year when stopping to eat the first time we had to run because a cow, which was part of a large herd with calves included, he went to see what we were doing and we decided to leave before he made a dangerous decision for us. More than a cow it looked like a goat because of how well it moved between the rocks. At 11:45 we arrive at the Ball of the World and at 12:30 we leave to arrive at 13:30 at the mythical Arias Sale and have a good and refreshing soda.

This year we also made two stops to eat, although the final soda was also accompanied by a small snack that the kids devoured. I think the kids had a great time and again they took on the challenge and responded by getting an excellent grade. What gave me the feeling is that the road no longer had many stimuli nor was it a challenge neither special nor attractive so we will have to change looking for a new destination.

The best thing has been the weather that respected us without wind, with a lot of sun and without clouds, so the caps and cream were fundamental to protect from the sun. In addition the kids were equipped with Thermal clothing to avoid the cool of the morning although when the sun began to heat they got rid of them.

This year we were very well equipped with good snacks and plenty of fruit. The kids devoured everything they could at each stop, although this time I have some food and drink left over. The soda of Venta Arias, of those 350 milliliters fell whole and I have doubts if more would have fallen if they had served us.

Now we can only look for another challenge, that is of height, so that the children are motivated and excited. For now you can say that they are hiking phenomena because they behaved beautifully, they respected the mountain, they cheered among them and reached, again, the highest. We hope to soon overcome new challenges and tell them to encourage other families who want to complete these extraordinary adventures.

In Peques and More | Hiking with kids: route from the Port of Navacerrada to the Ball of the World, Excursions for children in the Sierra de Madrid, Javier Zarzuela Aragón: “sophisticated toys are a real failure in excursions to the countryside or the mountains”
Image | Marcos López

Video: Basics of Hiking with Kids (July 2024).