The age of motherhood

The age at which a woman decides to be a mother for the first time depends on many factors, fundamentally personal. However, some external reasons may have influence, statistically speaking, in maternity age.

Recently a very interesting study has appeared, which, although applied to the French case, I think is, in part, extrapolated to our country. The work entitled "Fertility according to the level of education of women in France" concludes that women with higher education delay maternity beyond 30 years, while those who have not reached high school are mothers in around 25.

However, the distance between the two groups is reduced over the years, and it is noteworthy that, between 2000 and 2008, the age of the mothers increased by an average of 13 months in the non-graduates and only in 4 months in which they have higher education.

Despite this difference, in the French country, the number of children per woman is still equivalent in all social, educational and economic classes, around 1.9 children per woman, a somewhat higher rate than the Spanish, although the data about the age of motherhood and women's studies are very similar in both countries.


Our readers responded last March to a survey on the age at which they had their first child, and in general, in our country, the average maternity age is 29.3 years and 30% of women have his first son after 35 years.

I do not think we can say what is the best age to be a mother, because there are many factors that influence the decision, economic, cultural and personal, so, in my opinion, the best age to have children is the one that the mother decides taking into account, in a responsible manner, all its circumstances.

Video: Older Mother's Experience Giving Birth. Baby's Birth Day. Real Families (July 2024).