Already on sale "The easiest recipes of Direct to the Palate": a good gift for parents in their day

I am very happy, and I think it is a joy shared with other Weblogssl blogs, because the editors of Direct to the Palate (you know: the leading gastronomy blog in Spain); have published a cookbook with easy to prepare recipes.

This is a compendium that goes on sale today for € 15.20 (costs € 16), and is extended by chef Mario Sandoval

I tell you today because as you can see in this link from Amazon, if you ask “The easiest recipes from Direct to Palate” you arrive on time to give it away on Father's Day. I am sure that many of our readers would like to have it, and couples of many readers too. They are a total of 66 recipes of all kinds (first, appetizers, salads, desserts, meats, breads and desserts) that include full-page photographs and the detailed explanation of ingredients and the "step by step".

The book is irresistible, and the recipes They are designed for parents to look in the kitchen, do not think that because they are simple they are simple.

A gift for novice chefs which, in addition to Amazon, is also sold on the Editorial Platform website; as well as in bookstores and department stores.


I still have to congratulate the editors of Direct to the Palate for making it possible, and to all who will receive the book on 19, because you will enjoy it, and those who eat your dishes.

Direct to the Palate (Kitchen)

Today in Amazon for € 15.20