The Ronald McDonald Houses for families with children with long-term medical treatments

The other day the paper tablecloth placed in the McDonald's trays included information about the Ronald Foundation so I started researching trying to know what this foundation does. As at McDonald's you can surf the Internet for free because they have Wi-Fi enabled for it, I took the opportunity to go around their page and found information about the exciting project of the Ronald McDonald Houses for families with children with long-term medical treatments.

The Ronald McDonald Children's Foundation It is a Spanish non-profit institution, with its own, independent and apolitical autonomy, which works for the well-being of children and their families. Its objective is to start and maintain initiatives in favor of the well-being of children, an objective that is mainly carried out with the necessary advice and financing for the creation and maintenance of children. Ronald McDonald houses in Spain.

Valencia, Malaga, Barcelona they already have Ronald houses and they are already building the one of Madrid. The most veteran is that of Barcelona with more than 10 years of operation in Spain.

In the specific case of the Barcelona house, coverage is offered to the entire hospital network of Barcelona. The recipients are children who receive long-term medical treatments, together with their families. Depending on the socioeconomic situation, type of disease and mood of the whole family. The cost of the stay for families is free. And the duration of the stay depends on the duration of the treatment. All necessary medical treatments will be provided at the referral hospital. In addition, and so that children do not cut with their school routine, the House has a volunteer teacher who, once a week, gives review classes of different subjects.

To help improve the health and well-being of children around the world at the Foundation they build relevant alliances with the medical community by weaving networks that have been consolidated for more than 30 years. The medical professionals contribute with the Ronald McDonald Children's Foundation Actively committing themselves as members of the entity, they also help to find plots in which to locate the Ronald McDonald Houses and send the necessary information to estimate the number of rooms required for the Houses. The goal is to expand the capabilities of the Foundation and help change in the lives of children around the world.

The Foundation can be helped in infinite ways, although it would be impossible to manage the Ronald McDonald Houses without the donations of individuals, companies and institutions.

We congratulate the Ronald Foundation for their efforts and we thank the volunteers and professionals for their selfless collaboration. There should be no sick children although when there is no choice, at least it is nice to know that you can get a lot of help and support in the hard struggle for recovery.

Video: The Ronald McDonald House (July 2024).