What educational styles do parents adopt regarding the use of technology in their children?

The University of Northwersten in Illinois has conducted a study based on a representative survey that was applied to more than 2300 American parents of children ages 0 to eight.

The study is called 'Parenting in the Age of Digital Technology', and has allowed to expose the different educational styles that parents practice in relation to the use of the media by their children.

It is clear that the generational change that has taken place today is strongly marked by the role of technology in the lives of children, and that many times parents do not know how to position ourselves. Among the conclusions of the report presented, we find that 78 percent of parents say that technology is not a source of conflict in family relationships, and that 59% are not worried about the possibility of children becoming addicted to new media.

On the other hand, parents believe that the impact of computers, mobile devices and television, in the reading, mathematical competence and creativity of their children, is not negative. Different opinion do they have when asked about the influence of video games on these capabilities

How long are the children in front of the screens?

Investigators have identified three types of families according to the way they relate to screens and technological devices.

  • Centric media

    39 percent of families are included in this category, parents consume an average of 11 hours a day on screen. They are the most likely to use television to keep children occupied, in fact the children of these parents, spend about 4.5 hours a day in front of some kind of screens (I think it is excessive for children - and nothing healthy - , the truth; and I doubt that parents have so much time to use these media daily, do they have it?).

  • Media moderate

    45 percent of the families surveyed are more likely to do things with children outside the home, their children spend a little less than three hours a day in front of television, computer, or playing with tablets and smartphones.

  • Media light

    These are families that have possibilities - and also interest - to perform different activities with children, although these sometimes go to watch a movie together on television. Your children spend about an hour and a half a day using technological means that involve viewing content on screens.

I imagine that each one of you it could have been placed with some ease in this classification, although personally I am not a friend of the categorizations, because among the factors that affect, and in addition to the educational styles, are the work of the parents, the daily organization, and the possibilities of fun 'outside' the screens.

Of course, I recognize that I feel closer to parents who leave children in less than 2 hours in front of the television or computer

How parents entertain children

Moms and dads have tendency to resort to toys or educational and leisure activities, including books. It seems to be a constant idea to believe that we should keep the children occupied, and for this purpose we parents propose or allow different solutions.

In this regard, I believe that the trend should be changed, limiting on the one hand the use of technology (so that they learn from it but not generate problems), and recognizing that children sometimes need to get bored to create. In this way it would be they who would explore possibilities, and they would ask us for help if needed.

Finally, I believe that the study is correct when it indicates that at present, technology is a central issue in families, therefore should stop becoming a reason for fights, because to set limits it is not necessary to quarrel with anyone, but rather negotiate.

Images | Bruno Padilha, André Mouraux, Neeta Lind Via | Key 4 Communications More information | University of Northwestern, Complete Report on Peques and More | Tips to make paper reading compatible with other formats, 'More time on the street with friends and less in front of the computer' to prevent Internet addiction, What technology do parents use to communicate?

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