Kim Kardashian will spend a million dollars on her birth

Kim Kardashian She is an American businesswoman, model and actress, a couple of rapper Kanye West, who is experiencing one of the most followed pregnancies, in part, for resisting skipping heels and getting into almost impossible dresses.

Now it is news because they have leaked the expenses they have planned to prepare their future delivery and, among some things and others, the girl one million dollars will be spent on things "as important" as not putting on the hospital clothes that everyone wears, for example.

How do you spend a million dollars on a delivery?

The question that you will surely be asking everyone is what the hell you have to do, ask or hire to spend a million dollars on a delivery because, if they gave me a check for that value to spend on a childbirth, I would surely have most of the money left over.

A delivery in Spain costs between 3,000 and 6,000 euros, so by boat soon. If you give birth at home it may be even less. If we said that you are going to try to have everything very controlled, which does not always mean that you will have the best possible delivery, you could spend, I do not know, 20,000 euros in the best professionals, to say something, so there would still be a lot of money left over. The difference, of course, is that what is important for Kim, for the rest of mortals not.

Apparently he has hired a photographer to document his birth, which he will pay thousand dollars a day to immortalize the most important moments of your hospital stay. Logically, he will not go to any hospital, since he has already booked a room at the prestigious Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, which costs four thousand dollars a day. There you can have a large bathtub, two beds, flat screen TV and a lounge equipped with armchairs and a dining table with dozens of white roses.

As the couple is not going to eat anything they can prepare there, they will take their personal chef, which will prepare three meals a day. The poor chef must be nervous, because they have already informed him that, in case his work is not to his liking, they will urgently call his favorite restaurants to place an order. Those responsible for these restaurants are already advised, of course, to be prepared.

With regard to the clothes that Kim Kardashian will wear in the hospital, it is very clear that she will not wear the standard clothes that are prepared there. As commented, he plans to take exclusive dresses (I do not know if they will be very wide, seeing how she has been dressing during pregnancy), which will accompany several sets of luxurious lingerie that she bought in Paris for 25 thousand dollars.

Wishing you the best

Well, nothing, just wishing you that the delivery goes very well (not to pay more you make sure that it will be like this), that be an eutocic birth, which is what WHO defines as the one that develops normally, according to natural physiological processes, respecting the woman's own rhythms and without unnecessary interventions, the child being born through her mother's vagina (or be the safest birth for mother and baby) and when you have your baby in your arms know how to separate the grain from the straw and give importance to the things that really have it, in this case, welfare (not precisely economic) of your baby.

Video: 23 Crazy Things Kim Kardashian Spends Her Millions On (July 2024).