The Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) works to improve life expectancy with mobile phones

The Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action, MAMA, which we could translate for the Mobile Alliance for the action of mothers, is managing an innovative initiative to facilitate the lives of mothers and their children through the mobile phone in countries that have a high infant mortality rate.

MAMA is a public and private initiative that was launched in May 2011 by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and by Johnson & Johnson. It was joined by BabyCenter, mHealth Alliance and the United Nations Foundation.

For now, MAMA manages its training program in three countries: Bangladesh, India and South Africa. The objective is to improve the capacity that mobile phones have, and that they have a lot of use in these countries, so that incorporate valuable and free information for mothers in health issues.

And is that the women of these countries do not have enough income that prevents them from accessing services that are basic for us. So to reduce the high rates of maternal and infant mortality, they are receiving vital information that could save their own lives and those of their babies via mobile phone.

The mechanism used to provide vital health information is simple, it is used Simple and clear SMS text messaging and voice messages. Some of them can be heard on the MAMA site. Here in this picture you can read: your baby is like a little seed although its heartbeat is magnificent, breast milk is enough to feed the baby, you have to vaccinate the little one.

Among the messages that are sent are those that mothers receive every week informing them of the baby's growth process. The objective is to develop emotional bonds between the two and make mothers gain confidence in caring for their offspring so that mortality decreases. BabyCenter has generated messages to offer information on a multitude of issues that affect the pregnancy and the first year of the baby's life. Mothers receive complete sets of audio messages and also have the option of obtaining between one and three messages a week.

It is a great initiative that We hope you have travel with more countries and more services. We hope it helps improve the lives of all mothers and their children in those countries.

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