More adults without medical attention, more sick children

As we know, the Health Reform Decree has entered into force in Spain with few controversies. One of them is due to the fact that in said law (Royal Decree Law 16/2012) health care for irregular immigrants is restricted, which can only be treated urgently and for assistance in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

What for some involves a certain "justice" or a necessary measure, for many groups, especially doctors, means a great setback in the access to health of a population that is in a situation often very vulnerable. And, what matters most to us in these pages, a setback in children's health.

And, although medical care for children under 18 is not affected (whatever their "legal" situation in the country), we must not forget that many children live with parents who no longer receive medical assistance.

The latest issue of Famiped magazine, prepared by pediatricians, dedicates its editorial to this topic, emphasizing the possible repercussions that this measure has on the child population. Because what about the children of immigrants? Will your quality of life and health not be affected by restrictions on medical care for your parents?

Instances such as the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union have alerted their member states that “exclude irregular migrants from health care can endanger your life and your well-being, increase the cost of a future emergency treatment, and can also pose a potential health risk for the community ”.

And primary care pediatricians also make themselves heard and point out that:

If people (immigrants or Spaniards) living with children are losing the right to be cared for by the health system, the impact on children can be very large (...). The limitations imposed on adults without documentation will influence the hygiene, food, education and all kinds of care of the child population that depends on them. If the adults responsible for this care cannot adequately preserve their level of physical and mental health, they will hardly be able to ensure the welfare of their children, daughters, brothers, sisters ... In the same way, if one of These adults are deprived, for example, of the ability to access the treatment necessary to cure an infectious disease, it is very likely that it will be transmitted to the child or minors under their care.

In addition they emphasize that the Decree does not contemplate any measure to detect and stop the negative impact that such measures may have on the health of children.

We have already commented to you that pediatricians have been talking about the cuts and how they affect the health of children: saving measures harm health for 71% of pediatricians, and 55% of this group perceives that they are producing an "impact" on the health of children as a result of the economic crisis.

In short, together with this obvious risk in people's health, it can be thought that the State breaches the obligations of respect, protection and compliance, without discrimination, of the right to health of all people, since it places limits on access to the public health system, vetoing it to people who, for multiple reasons, do not "have papers."

People not as marginal as we might think, but probably have their children in school, children who may be affected by the unattended health of their parents.

More information | Famiped Photo | Tomas Fano on Flickr In Babies and more | Always at the doctor: inappropriate use of health systems, Pediatricians in danger of extinction: "Save Pediatrics!"

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