World Immunization Week

From April 21 to 28 the World Immunization Week, a date designated to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination to save lives and encourage families to vaccinate their children against fatal diseases.

We know that vaccination is one of the most controversial parenting practices as there are many (increasingly) families who are against the vaccine and decide not to immunize their children.

Sponsored by the WHO (World Health Organization), the Immunization Week promotes vaccination campaigns, public education and dissemination of information on the benefits of vaccines, through which it is intended:

  • Increase awareness of how immunization saves lives

  • Increase vaccine coverage to prevent disease outbreaks

  • Reach out to underserved and marginalized communities

  • Strengthen the medium and long term benefits of vaccination

The truth is that vaccination saves life in the world. It is one of the most effective and cost-effective health interventions, which prevents 2 to 3 million deaths each year.

At present there is great concern in Spain and in the world about the outbreak of diseases such as measles and whooping cough due to a decrease in vaccinations, serious diseases that were expected to disappear.

Therefore, the World Immunization Week which is celebrated these days is an ideal occasion to become aware of the need for the dissemination of truthful information, based on scientific evidence, on the importance of vaccinating children.

Video: WHO: Immunization for all throughout life - World Immunization Week 2016 (July 2024).