How allergy is diagnosed

Allergy is a disorder that can develop from the birth of the baby, some children are predisposed to develop allergies and prevention in time is recommended, since identifying which substances are responsible for this disorder, helps specialists prepare a proper treatment to try to fight it.

A early allergy diagnosis, partly mitigates the possible damage caused by this disorder, it is necessary to think that a simple allergy, over the years can become a problematic respiratory allergy.

To discover that the child has an allergy, the specialist or allergist analyzes the child's history along with a thorough medical examination, this together with the explanations of the symptoms by the mother, will be one of the keys to recognize said allergy. The allergy tests are very specific, they use needles with which they introduce into the skin a series of possible allergenic substances, to see what reaction the area where it has been injected presents and thus, determine what type of allergy it is. These tests are reliable and do not cause any harm to the child, even, depending on the case, the tests can be performed a few months after the baby. But this option is generally used when there is hereditary predisposition. As a general rule, specialists always recommend allergy testing when they are a little older.

There are several rules for the prevention of possible allergies, these rules help in part to make the child feel better. Depending on the allergy, the treatments to be followed will be different, a possible allergy vaccine, a behavior system, etc.

There are several pages on the web that inform us in detail about allergies and how we should act against them. You have at your disposal the links of these pages.

Video: How Allergy Testing Works (July 2024).