Fight the effects of poor circulation

During pregnancy, our veins and arteries must withstand a 20 percent increase in blood volume. In addition, the baby's weight oppresses the vessels of the pelvis, increasing pressure on the legs. These are the main causes for which we suffer heaviness, cramps and tingling in the legs, all disorders related to bad circulation.

There are some good habits we can adopt to fight them. On the one hand, favor good circulation. Exercise (swimming is highly recommended since there is no gravity in the water), wear comfortable shoes, not stand too long, or sit too long with your legs crossed, walk a lot (at least 15 minutes a day) and monitor Weight gain during pregnancy. On the other hand, use palliative methods. There are refreshing menthol creams on the market that are fabulous. They provide a feeling of instant freshness, as if we had put our legs in the fridge.

Taking showers with fresh water and using elastic socks can be very beneficial. In summer, it is better not to expose the legs to the sun in the hottest hours. And a classic: to put the legs up whenever we can to favor blood return.

If, despite these cares, poor circulation prevents you from leading a normal life, it is best to consult with a specialist who will tell you if you need to follow some type of treatment, as it can cause serious problems.

Video: 8 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation (July 2024).