In bad weather ... many opportunities to learn! Weather station for children

With the one that is falling, and with which it will fall according to the weather forecasts, almost everyone thinks that It is best to get warm at home and spend time drinking hot chocolate, watching movies, reading a story or playing a game at the Naval Battle.

But there are children who get bored because they prefer to experience the world more directly (I have one of those very close), and that is when our desire to learn comes into play, and to facilitate the approach to reality.

Y what does what I just said with the rains have to do that for some they are fun, for others necessary and for a not inconsiderable part of the annoying population? I will start with this homemade rain gauge that we built a year and a half ago, and I will continue with this one. Green Science weather station, presented to us in The Country of Toys. It is a didactic toy with which children will learn a lot of things. It has many functions among which are to observe and record the timeThey can also do ecological experiments.

Your children can ride the complete station with their weather vane, anemometer, thermometer and rain gauge. It includes detailed stations and costs 12.50 euros.

It is recommended for children from eight years.

Video: Check out the Weather! a weather song for kids (July 2024).