To what extent do we have to educate the children of others in the park?

As I have said sometimes in my house we are not frequenting parks because, normally, they generate more problems than joys. The reason is that, perhaps by chance, every time we go we encounter children who respect little other children and their parents, who either do not know what their children are doing or do not want to know (or do not care ).

Then it happens that we see ourselves trying to ensure that our children do not harm themselves (not all structures are safe, and more if they do not know them thoroughly) and trying to ensure that the children of others do not harm them either. That is why I am asking, To what extent do we have to educate the children of others in the park?

Say nothing

At first, out of respect, when I saw that a child bothered mine, did not respect shifts or took things away, he chose not to say anything to the child beyond "this is yours, do you give it back?", And we chose to continue playing avoiding him (s) or looking for another place to be quieter.

However, it is a solution that does not satisfy me because many times you end up in another place or swing without being really fair to our son (the one that bothers the other) and because the message that the other child ends up taking, in fact, is that of “if I continue to behave like this, the swing is mine, the park is mine… and after the park, the world whole!! ha ha ha (sinister laugh). ”

Doing what their parents don't do

Then, over time, I ended up starting to do with the children what their parents didn't do. I'm not talking about angering or blaming anyone, but simply explaining things to them: "I don't think it's your turn, you would have to wait for those who are before to play", "look, my son departs from you ... It seems that seeing how you behave does not want to play with you ”and things like that. I don't like doing it because I would not like other parents to do it with my children. However, if it happened because my children are bothering me and I am talking around, I would not have, I think, reason to complain.

So I have got some children to come to their senses and see that things can also be done for good (because even then I have watched because they respect their turn) and so I have also observed that other children need much more to even put in He doubts his way of doing things or his way of being.

To what extent should we educate the children of others?

Well, I don't know, I don't know how to answer. In theory we should not educate them to any extent, because The responsibility for the education of children belongs to their parents. However, at the moment in which the life and bad manners of a child intersects with that of my children, and at the moment in which the other makes use of force, insult or piloting (“I am so pillo and espabilao that I cuelo and push as if the park was mine ”), the invisible father should appear to teach his son that it is not the right way to live and live.

As the invisible father does not appear, everyone who does what he considers best. I opt for intervene and defend my children where they are not able to do it, trying to make others respect them and respect their things. In any case, as I say, now I do less, because we usually only go to the parks when there are few or no children. I have enough to educate mine.

Video: Good morning+More Kids Dialogues. Learn English for Kids. Collection of Easy Dialogue (July 2024).