Elections 2019: what are the proposals of the main parties on maternity, paternity and conciliation

The April 28 election date is approaching, and as parents, one of the issues we are most interested in is the proposals of the main five parties regarding maternity, paternity and conciliation.

It is not usual for citizens to read all the programs to decide their vote, so we have done it for you. We have reviewed their programs to detect which are specifically the most relevant promises in the electoral programs of the PSOE, PP, Citizens, Podemos and Vox in relation to issues such as birth aid, grants, permits, etc.


Co-responsibility and conciliation

It continues with the idea that it has launched during the government that motherhood cannot be penalized for women in the labor market, promoting measures to promote co-responsibility, such as:

  • We will continue moving towards the concept of co-responsibility in the assumption of family responsibilities.
  • We will complete the process of progressive implementation of equal and non-transferable parental permits.
  • We will reduce the waiting list of the Dependency Care System.
  • We will continue to expand the coverage of Education 0-3.
  • After-school coverage of 0-12 years.

Likewise, he plans to move forward with the equalization of birth permits until 16 weeks for both parents in 2021. Currently, parents have eight weeks of leave and next year they will be increased to 12 and the next year by four more. On plans to extend maternity leave, not a word.

As for conciliation, it is planned:

"Promote measures to improve the reconciliation and co-responsibility of work, family and personal life. This involves developing initiatives that allow families to access quality educational services for boys and girls."

New Family Law

With the emergence of new family models, the PSOE wants to develop a new Family Law that responds to the reality of different family structures: large families, single parents, multi-births and welcoming families, "adapting aid and benefits to the situation of need according to size, characteristic and family income ".

They also plan to modify the consideration of a special large family for those families four or more sons (currently considered from five).

Among its main objectives, we find:

  • Promote that public organizations and companies regulate your schedules more rationally and organize your work with greater flexibility to allow families to reconcile their parental and labor obligations.


Child poverty and the defense of children is one of the flags of the PSOE since it came to the Government. In his electoral program he proposes a childhood legislature with measures such as:

  • Protect all children and ensure their well-being through transversal policies in health and education, but also through other economic and security policies

  • Lead a National Pact against Child Poverty: improve our income guarantee system in homes with children.

  • Child poverty is associated with other forms of educational, health and socio-emotional exclusion It is essential to fight. The Government must allocate the necessary resources to combat school failure, overweight and obesity.

  • Support all families in raising their sons and daughters.

  • Protect minors against violence in an integral way

  • Address situations of lack of protection and helplessness.

And as for concrete measures:

  • Improve access to the electric and thermal bonus to families with minors
  • Exempt families with minors and low incomes from the pharmaceutical copayment.

  • Increase support for school supplies and textbooks to support families with children at the beginning of the school year.

  • Strengthen scholarships as a right according to the situation of family income

  • Reduce to 4% the VAT of essential children's products, such as diapers.

  • Promote the establishment of school canteens (breakfast, lunch and / or snacks) accessible to all children and adolescents.

Reproductive rights

The PSOE says no to rent bellies. It rejects pregnancy by substitution or surrogacy, because it considers that "it undermines the rights of women, especially the most vulnerable, commodifying their bodies and their reproductive functions." Regarding the abortion law and women's reproductive rights, he states:

"We defend a freely chosen motherhood. Therefore, we will promote active education and prevention policies for unwanted pregnancies through information campaigns on contraceptive methods and family planning at a general level and, specifically, with the development of educational programs, to be agreed upon. with the Autonomous Communities, aimed at the highest risk population sectors, such as youth. "

Popular Party


  • We will pass a Maternity Support Law that contemplates a set of measures to value maternity, expand conciliation and co-responsibility measures, promote tax measures in favor of families, the promotion of family orientation, etc.

  • We will keep the “0-3 check” of 1,000.

  • We will launch a Birth Support Portal that unifies all existing resources for maternity social protection

  • We will approve tax incentives for companies that hire women after maternity.

  • We will improve the recognition of single parents by ensuring and extending protection to these families.

  • We support families who decide to start an international adoption process.

Large families

  • We will maintain the special large family category until the last child meets the requirements set forth in the law.

  • We will grant the status of a large family of special category from the 4th child and reduce the burdens of large families.

  • We will allow the title of large family to hold it, both the father and the mother, in cases of separation or divorce with joint custody or when alimony is agreed in the regulatory agreement.

  • We will renew the title of large family for 4 years when the child continues his studies


The PP, if it governs, will force children to be vaccinated to access the education system. With the objective of "ensuring greater quality, equity and efficiency".


Rivera's party proposes a Family Support Law that promotes birth and guarantees equal rights for all family options. This Law will include, among other measures:

  • That all families with 2 or more children have the consideration of a large family, and that those of 3 or more children are of special category.
  • That single-parent families with dependent children have the same benefits as many, and that those with 2 or more children have the same benefits recognized as those of special category.
  • That in cases of separation or divorce in which joint custody is agreed, both parents retain the benefits of a large family.
  • We will defend a Shared Custody Law that gives preference to this option in case of separation or divorce and we will implement a 'check-nursery' to move towards the universalization of Infant Education from 0 to 3 years.


  • We will extend and match maternity and paternity leave until 16 weeks for each parent. When both parents jointly enjoy all their initial weeks, each of them will have a co-responsibility bonus of 2 more weeks, up to a total of 36 weeks between both.

  • We will facilitate our freelancers and companies that their workers reconcile. We will subsidize 100% of business contributions during a temporary disability due to causes related to pregnancy or childbirth and during the enjoyment of maternity and paternity leave.

  • We will support women who return to work after motherhood. We will bonus with 100 euros / month (1,200 euros / year) for 2 years the social contributions of female workers who return to work or are hired in another after their maternity leave.

  • We will reduce the reductions in the work day for childcare or relatives to facilitate conciliation. We will allow you to accumulate these reductions in full-time work and we will reimburse 100% the quotas of the workers hired to cover the reduced working day.

  • We will establish a bag of hours for own affairs for all workers. Workers who wish may convert their vacation days into their equivalent in hours to attend their own affairs.

  • We will promote the teleworking to favor conciliation. We will establish the right of all workers with family responsibilities to distance work provided that the nature of the activity and work permits.

Reproductive rights and adoption

  • We will pass an Altruistic and Guarantee Surrogacy Act so that women who cannot conceive and LGTBI families can fulfill their dream of forming a family.

  • We will create a National Adoption Office to improve and streamline adoption processes, both national and international


Among its proposals includes implementing a single vaccination schedule throughout Spain.

We can


  • We will create a system of early childhood education (from 0 to 3 years old) that offers universal and free coverage to all creatures at the end of the paid parental leave of their parents and parents.

  • 34-week workday: 7 hours from Monday to Thursday, and 6 hours on Fridays.

Maternity and paternity leave

We can propose the immediate comparison to 16 weeks for both parents or parents and an increase of 2 weeks per year to reach 24 weeks (half a year) for each parent.


  • Comparison of single-parent and single-parent families to large families.

  • Provision for the care of children and adolescents, which will reach 1200 euros per year universally and 2000 euros per year for situations of severe poverty, and that will start urgently with 600 euros per year for families at risk of poverty, with an increase of 50% for single-parent or single-parent families.

  • Promotion of foster care and adoption measures.



  • Treat sick leave due to pregnancy as maternity leave, zero cost to the company.

  • Extend the current maternity leave to 180 days which would be extended to one year in the case of children with disabilities.

  • Create and provide annually in the General State Budgets a universal benefit for dependent children for Spanish families, for a minimum of 100 euros per month. This benefit will be increased from the third child and will be updated annually. Women who are mothers will benefit, regardless of their family and work situation, and as long as the children are minors if they do not previously have paid work.

  • Support decided to large families and birth in general. Creation of service checks that subsidize part of family needs such as school books, public transportation, etc. Establish bonuses proportional to the number of family members in all types of basic supplies such as electricity or gas or access to cultural property.


  • Creation of a Ministry of Family. Promulgation of an organic law for the protection of the natural family that recognizes it as an institution prior to the State.

  • Defense of joint custody as a general rule and to protect the right of minors to interact with both parents and their grandparents.

Rental, abortion and adoption wombs

  • Prohibition of rent bellies and any activity that reifies and uses human beings as a purchase product.

  • Suppress non-health surgical interventions in public health (sex change, abortion ...)

  • Defense of life from conception Until natural death. It is essential that women with unexpected pregnancy have truthful information, assistance and alternatives. Reform of the national adoption law.


  • Reconciliation of family and work life, promotion of teleworking and part-time jobs. Promote the flexibility of schedules and implement a specific reinstatement plan, to facilitate that parents who have spent time dedicated to the care of their children can rejoin the work activity.


  • Childhood vaccines "will be mandatory and free" and pediatric dentistry would be included "in Social Security until temporary dentition replacement".

Video: H-CAN PA-D5 Democratic Congressional Candidate Forum (July 2024).