The OCU warns of serious safety flaws in two car seat models for children

In the last analysis of child restraint systems conducted by the OCU, two of the models were found to be unsafe in the frontal crash tests. It's about the chairs Babystyle Oyster + Base Duofix Isize and the chair Chicco Oasys i-Size + Base i-Size.

Babystyle Oyster + Base Duofix Isize

In the first case, during the frontal crash tests performed with a dummy (the test dolls) that simulates a 1 and a half year old child, the Babystyle Oyster + Base Duofix Isize chair farewell from the base forward, which implies a risk of severe damage to the child in the event of an accident.

This is because the metal bars that should hold the chair to the base leave its plastic guide during the crash.

For its part, in the Chicco Oasys i-Size + Base i-Size model (which can be purchased with the Chicco Trio Style Go Up and Trio Love Up sets), one of the buckles that anchor the harness of the chair suffered a break. The result was that the test doll was not subject, so in case of a serious accident, the child would be exposed to great damage.

In the last annual analysis of the OCU, the two models have obtained “bad results” in the frontal crash tests. In Babies and moreChairs for the car: the basic information that every parent should know

Chicco will change the piece

Chicco Oasys i-Size + Base i-Size.

The OCU has informed Chicco, and the brand has recognized the failure of its chair, which is produced in the models distributed as of September 27, 2018 and has announced that it will start a campaign of free replacement of the defective part.

If you have this model you can contact by phone (at 900 720 408) or through the brand's website.

The OCU ensures that the analyzes and tests performed with the chairs are even more rigorous than those required for approval, and these two models have not passed them, so recommend stop using them until the problems they present are solved.

"We want total security in all situations, and more in these products whose reason for being is precisely to keep the little ones safe. For these reasons, our recommendation if you have any of these two models of car seats for children is that you stop using them. "

In Babies and more Almost three out of five parents endangers their children when traveling by car

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