Makego: application to turn the iPhone into a toy car

It may not be funny that you used the words iPhone and toy in the same sentence, but I want to show you what it is about Makego, an application that your kids will love and can be completely safe for your smartphone.

Makego It allows turn the iphone into a toy car. In a simple way, the child can choose and configure the toy of his choice between three models: a race car, an ice cream truck or a boat.

Each one incorporates extra features such as starting the engine and loading fuel, serving ice cream and charging customers, or feeding the ducks of the river, according to the toy chosen.

The application consists of that. Now, the fun thing is that the child has to create the stage in which his car, his cart or his boat will move. And here comes the most creative part.

There are iPhone or iPod cases compatible with Lego parts so wheels and parts can be added to build a car, a ship or a boat. They can also do it with cardboard and decorate it as they like or simply by sliding the device on a soft surface like a carpet.

On the official website they give some ideas for Turn the iPhone into a toy car.

Makego It can be downloaded from the App Store for 1.59 euros.

Video: Pokemon Go HACK! - Get Unlimited Steps With This Invention!! (July 2024).