The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) publishes the reduced version of the Spanish language spelling

Recently the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy), has published in Pocket format Basic Spelling, reduced version of the work published in 2010, where changes were announced such as the passage from Greek to Greek, the elimination of the tilde in solo and in the demonstrations or consider monosyllables that should be written without a nod to the words like script, truhan or mess. And it seems that it is what we do to those who have learned spelling a few years ago, a mess.

This book aims to collect all the normative proposals approved by the RAE, addressing in detail most spelling problems that are presented to the student in the different fields: use of letters, punctuation, graphic accentuation, upper and lower case letters, abbreviations, union and separation of words or expressions from other languages.

Salvador Gutierrez Ordonez, member of the SAR, indicates that the format is comfortable Y manageable, doing it more compressible For the reader.

What has been tried is that it be didactic and that its reading is easy and understandable thanks to the numerous tables and examples with the goal of becoming the Spelling of everyone who speaks and writes in Spanish.

As for the news, the important didactic advance of the Academy in defining the diphthong according to spelling criteria is highlighted. In the educational books no longer truhan, nor alone, nor the demonstratives with tilde. With these norms it is tried that the things return to their channel, but so much in alone as in the demonstratives, it is still possible to put the tilde, or not to put it. The SAR recognizes that in a few years these norms will not be fully assimilated by the population.

Regarding the language used in social networks and sms, consider in the SAR that abbreviations and spelling changes are their own and exclusive to these means.

The Royal Spanish Academy and the other members of the Association of Spanish Language Academies They invested time, work and enthusiasm in this project. The paperback has published it Espasa and it is sold at a price of 13.5 euros.

Take this opportunity to recommend the search engine of the RAE. I think it is an essential tool for children to begin to familiarize themselves with the use of a high-quality Internet dictionary although its usability leaves much to be desired.

Video: How Spanish got its ñ - the story behind that "n with a tilde" (July 2024).