Can you mix milk and orange juice?

One of the phrases that we have heard more than one in our childhood and we may continue saying it today is that of "After milk you can not drink orange juice, because it is cut". There are variants of this premise: after milk, or with milk, orange juice or any other fruit juice, the piece of fruit itself ...

The case is that it is a false premise, a myth without any foundationWell, it is even healthy to combine breakfast dairy with fruit or natural fruit juice, including orange and other citrus fruits, of course.

The main reason given to indicate that milk and juices should not be mixed is that the fruit juice is acidic. If you drink milk and orange juice, the milk will be cut by acid, and it can sit badly and cause diarrhea, or vomiting, poor digestion or just discomfort.

But this reasoning makes no sense, because if the milk is going to find something really acidic in its path through digestion, that is precisely what the digestive system itself contains. During digestion, as a result of the segregation of hydrochloric acid, the acidity of the stomach is much greater than that of orange juice or any other fruit.

Therefore, the idea that milk and orange juice cannot be mixed is unfounded, since the milk we drink, whether accompanied by other liquids or not, from other foods or not, will be cut as soon as Enter the stomach. And the cut milk doesn't feel bad at all.

In fact, we consume many dairy products that are actually "cut milk", such as yogurts and other products that need sugar to counteract the acidity, cheeses ... There are even recipes for biscuits or various sauces in which the "effect of" cut "in milk, to which vinegar, or lemon juice is added ...

The truth is that this myth of not mixing milk and orange juice It can derive from the bad appearance and smell that the cut milk acquires, but we can already imagine the appearance and aroma that will have the content of our stomach in the middle of the digestive process and at any meal, including milk or not ...

Definitely, for a good breakfast milk combined with fruits (in pieces or in juices), feel great together with the rest of the components of a complete and balanced breakfast, that which we can almost never afford due to lack of time but that must be sought every day, especially for our children.

Video: What happens when you mix orange juice and milk (July 2024).