How did you solve the "white week"?

In these first days of the month the call is being held in Catalonia "White week", which is the name of the holiday week that all children have to compensate that they started the course a week before and whose motivation is, in principle, to offer children a few days off.

For the next year it has been decided to withdraw this week from the calendar (and that this was the first time), but this year it is being celebrated and the parents are in a situation in which suddenly the children have a week of partying and they don't. This, as always, is a problem for working parents, because you have to find a place where children can be.

In most schools they have prepared a few days of extracurricular activities. Something like some winter houses so that children can also go to school to do recreational activities. However, the cost of such activities must logically be borne by the parents and, as we see in the vignette, the price is not always affordable. In our child's school, for example, they pay between € 48 if the child goes 4 hours a day, 5 days and € 71 if he goes 8 hours (from 9 to 17). If you have two children, then do accounts.

Some families have decided take a few days of vacation all and take advantage of the week to make a trip. It is an inexpensive option and depending on what is requested you can subtract summer vacations, but it is still an option to consider.

Others have used as a resource to the grandparents and this holiday week they stay in your care. Grandparents always do it delighted and surely it is not the first time they stay with them, so as it has been read in the press it seems that this is the option most used by Catalan families.

In our case there has been no problem because as you know, Mom does not work because she is in the care of the child. Where two fit, three fit, so for us it is another opportunity to enjoy the company of our son at home.

And you, How did you solve the white week?

Video: "Describe A Time When You Solved A Difficult Problem" INTERVIEW QUESTION (July 2024).