Improve the self-esteem of our children (I)

Self-esteem is the positive assessment of oneself, and it helps us to face life and difficulties in a determined and positive way. Therefore, self-esteem makes us happier. We can help that our children are happier improving their self-esteem.

Self-esteem is vital for the development of children and will affect the formation of their personality and also their own happiness. It is vital to live in society, to feel safe, to want to know and deepen in other relationships, to go to school, to transmit values ​​to their own children ...

With simple actions based on affection we can get them to reinforce their self-esteem and not feel insecure or undervalued.

  • We start with something as simple, as natural and primary, as physical contact. The more contact with the baby there is better growth and development, we stimulate their senses and feel loved. Distant environments, cold relationships, let alone hostile ones, cause more unstable children and who "love each other" less. Touching the baby is key to its development, and a source of benefits for all.

  • Let's tell our children how much we love them. It is essential, not only that they love you, but that they have let you know. To my daughters, since they are babies, I say that I love them, a lot, something that I had rarely said before and that it is absolutely healthy and recommended. Above all, because soon they will return their "I love you".

  • Let's make positive assessments about them. Any performance, work, word, has a positive part. I have learned this in class with my students. They always have something good to promote. If we stop to highlight the negative aspects, we "sink" them. Avoid labeling people with pejorative terms ("bad", "lazy", "messy" ...) because these definitions end up applying them themselves, and believing them, doing nothing to change. It is better to highlight the positive (not exaggerating) and reduce the importance of the other factors, without omitting them: it can be improved.

  • Let us praise their specific abilities, and also their appearance or outstanding, original, different physical qualities ... In this way they will know how to defend themselves against possible "attacks" in this regard, and not give too much importance to what other children can tell you.

  • Let's pay attention to our children at all times, even if they don't ask for it. Many times the claim on their part is because they feel "unattended" at some point, even if it is not. If they do not demand attention, they will be delighted. We all like to know that you look at us.

  • One way to pay attention to them is to share feelings and concerns with them, communicate intensely, seek common interests ...

  • We must help them set personal goals and achieve them, although the non-achievement of these should not be understood-explained as a defeat but as another step of learning.

  • In relation to the previous point, and as we have already mentioned when talking about games, we must explain that you do not always win and that you have to know how to lose or conform, without neglecting the interest and effort to improve.

  • Put aside the punishments, which are an uneducated method and destroy self-esteem, especially in children who do not understand what has happened, only perceive the physical or moral damage they receive.

Soon we will continue with these tips to improve our children's self-esteem, some easier to get than others, but always at our fingertips to see them grow happy.

Video: 3 Tips to Raise Self-Confident Children (July 2024).