Video: football promotes breastfeeding

Football moves passions, and it is not the first time that players, idolized by young and old, contribute to a good cause with their popularity. In these videos, some soccer players support breastfeeding with his women in a campaign organized by the Pan American Health Organization.

We already told you that the World Cup is being used to promote breastfeeding, and in this same context the videos we comment on, an initiative of PAHO, are registered. The popular protagonists are Javier Zanetti, Argentine player currently at Inter Milan and Hernanes, player of the Brazilian team of São Paulo FC. Both appear with his wife and their babies.

Framed by the vignettes we saw of a child hugging a ball and a chest, the players point out that their two great passions are chest and football. They tell us that they and their women support breastfeeding, which is the best food for the baby to grow like a true champion.

They are just 30 seconds of video, but I loved them for several reasons. Apart from the main fact that they promote, the best feeding for the baby, and that indicates that exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of life, I like the familiar image of the players with their women and babies.

In the case of Zanetti, he appears stroking the head of his son who seems to sleep in mom's lap, and Hernanes is the one who holds her daughter sitting on her knees.

I do not know if it will be my impression, but it seems to me that it is not frequent for men, and more so if they are popular characters and associated with an environment as masculine as football, that they stop to value breastfeeding or any other aspect related to Rising children.

Something that I hope is changing and that, yes footballers claim healthy habits for children, the eradication of gender violence or solidarity with some diseases, which are some examples that come to mind now, because why not add the recommendations for the best feeding and care of the baby.

I am sure that your message would reach large and small, exerting great influence, we already know what happens with mass idols, why not take advantage of its pull for good causes, healthy and unquestionable causes that always push well.

I hope that these videos in which soccer figures promote breastfeeding you like them, and above all they reach a lot of people. Footballers are also parents and know what the recommendations are for the best growth of the baby.

Videos | Youtube, Youtube More information | PAHO In Babies and more | "Eat for Goals!", Soccer players teach healthy eating, Spanish children want to be like Beckham, The College of Pharmacists informs about breastfeeding

Video: Breastfeeding (July 2024).