Hotels that do not accept children

When we still have our survey open to know where our readers who travel with children prefer to stay (at the moment, only 3 votes acknowledge not traveling with children), we raised an issue that came out yesterday in the media: hotels that do not accept children.

A priori it seems to me that it sounds very bad that "they do not accept children", as if they were animals, to which we are more accustomed, "pets are not accepted". In two hotels of the Canary Islands do not accept children under 14 years. In certain Caribbean hotels the same thing happens. Other hotels reserve areas that small children cannot enter.

I would not go to one of these hotels, even if it was a romantic trip as a couple, without children. Honestly, it would seem odd to me that there are no children around, and if what I want is a lot of tranquility or intimacy, I surely won't run into too many children because I would already choose a type of accommodation that would allow me, such as a rural house and not a massive hotel .

However, they are hotels that have a certain demand, and I know more than one couple (without children) who would not mind staying at these hotels.

Some people believe that children bother, shout and subtract you from relaxation. There are those who consider that they are children and, even if they bother, we can get away. There are those who do not care about the noise of the babysitter and there are even those who join them ...

Although the truth, to be with adults who put on bad faces or call children who play next to them “brats”, they better go to those hotels, more than anything not to cross paths with them (those adults).

I still remember one night at a hotel in Paris. My daughter Mar was six months old then, and we came across some room neighbors who were not too tolerant ... She woke up several times throughout the night crying, and the occupants of the next room were screaming out to expletives that she would have preferred not to understand and I resist playing here. Energize us like those, better at hotels where there are no children

Video: This homeless family with 6 children lives in a small hotel near St Louis (July 2024).