Why are babies stressed?

Although it may seem absurd that a child of just days or months may be stressed, babies, like adults, also suffer stress.

Anguish in newborns is a phenomenon investigated by scientists worldwide. The theories are varied, but they agree that the consequences of stress in the first months creep during the rest of life because anxiety alters memory capacity causing difficulties in learning.

A report funded by the Almirón Immunonutrition Forum ensures that between 9% and 21% of the child population suffers from stress. Among them, babies, in whom it is not so simple to quantify the level of stress.

What is possible is to be aware of certain symptoms that may indicate that the baby suffers from stress. Why are babies stressed?

For example, a baby whose food and hygiene needs are covered and yet cry for no apparent reason can be a sign of stress.

But raising a child is not just feeding and changing diapers. The baby also needs pampering and arms. An unattended baby, whose affection needs are not satisfied or who stays away from their parents for many hours a day, may feel insecure and also suffer stress.

Angry and repeated crying is the most obvious sign that something is wrong. Infant colic causes great stress in the baby. Imagine an adult suffering intense and continued pain for hours. Anyone would be distressed.

Equally intense pains such as otitis, shrill noises, a disturbing environment or family stress situations such as arguments, altered schedules and "plugged in" parents are also a reason for the baby to feel stressed.

A stressed baby may be an overly disturbed child but also an isolated child, without interrelation with others.

How to avoid stress in the baby? Of course, guarantee your basic needs of food, hygiene, shelter and sleep by establishing daily routines that provide you peace of mind, contributing to reduce the stress that causes you to live without any order.

It is also essential to cover your emotional needs by sharing quality time with the baby, playing with him and reinforcing family ties. In this way we will provide security and confidence to better cope with stress situations that may arise in the future.

Video: Stressed during pregnancy? Your baby might feel long term effects (July 2024).