Highlights in Babies and more: March 16-22

As every week, here we bring you the summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

This has been a week full of varied and interesting topics. Armando has given us an accurate explanation of the things that must be taken into account to choose a school for our children.

Also, in an excellent research work he has told us a story that talked about the death of a baby crushed by his parents in bed and about how, the headlines lied, because the sad death was because of the dreaded sudden death.

Lola has brought us topics of great interest to parents, with full explanations about how to change a diaper to the baby and that we should not use food as a reward or punishment.

He has also introduced YouTube for kids, an excellent way to find educational and recreational resources for them. From your hand we have remembered World Down Syndrome Day.

Eva has explained to us what postpartum thyroiditis is and has made us wonder if the male contraceptive pill is near. As for the always useful internet resources, it has taught us a very interesting website: Edualter, resources to educate in Peace.

We have also talked about the macrosomia and the causes and risks of being born too much grante and of the so-called "medicine babies", of which they will be born more in Spain. Finally, I will point out the topic in which we deepen the alternative to aminiocentésis.

Video: Star Gazers: the Length of the Seasons - January 16-22, 2017 5 Minutes (July 2024).