He does his opposition exams at the hospital after giving birth

Some time ago, similar news came out, and the case has been repeated. A Malaga opponent is the second woman who is examined in a hospital after giving birth.

One, who has "suffered" several oppositions, knows the nerves that are passed and how hard it can be to be an exam day. Reucerdo how on one occasion a girl who was opposing came to the exams with her baby just a few weeks to be able to attend him, and I thought how strong and determined she was.

I also think this opponent who, just 48 hours after giving birth, he presented himself with oppositions from the hospital room where his son was born His name is Natalia, and he did, at the same time as his colleagues, 2 exams for administrative and administrative assistant.

Being able to examine yourself from the hospital is due to the Equality Law, which, by the way, is included in your agenda. The baby, Alejandro, came forward to come to the world earlier than planned, but that has not pushed back the plans of his mother, who has been able to move forward in his wishes to get a position as a civil servant at the Junta de Andalucía.

I could not have a mobile phone or company on the day of the exam (except the person who guarded it), and the nerves were many. In the hallway there had to be at least one healthcare professional in case some unforeseen event arose.

What I do not think so well is that they would not let her have her son next to her, who had to breastfeed before starting the exam. We already know that newborn babies do not understand schedules, and these opposition tests are not exactly short. Besides, I certainly couldn't "blow" any answer ...

Anyway, I wish you luck and strength if you continue with the opposition process, and especially I praise you for your willpower and your decision. I don't know if I could in the same situation ...

Video: Doble Kara: Goodbye Baby Rebecca (July 2024).