More babies with low birth weight as a result of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers

Traumatic events often have great repercussions on people for years and even their effects can be suffered for life. This is the case of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers that the United States suffered six years ago, on that fateful September 11, 2001, the consequences still suffer.

A group of American researchers has just published a study that shows that there is a close relationship between the increase in low-weight newborns (less than 2,000 grams) in New York City and the terrorist attack. The researchers used the data collected from births registered between 1996 and 2002 in New York and in other cities of the same state, comparisons were made on the weight of children at birth just one week before the terrorist attack and with the They were born a week later.

It was found that in just one week apart the births of children with low weight increased dramatically, no less than 44% of children born with less than 1,500 grams and up to 67% children with a weight between 1,500 and 2,000 grams, in this case the data belonged exclusively to the city of New York and there were no variations in the weight of newborns in nearby cities. All those dramatic events suffered by the population are locked in the minds of future moms and people in general and as we know, stress, fear or anxiety, affect the development and birth of a baby. An example is found in the post, The risk of premature delivery related to anxiety in pregnancy, negative feelings and memories cause increased production of certain chemicals that affect the development of pregnancy.

The researchers also discovered that the increase in low weight in babies also occurred in other cities of the same state, although a little later. It is as if it were the waves produced in the water, its progress is similar to this reaction. The causes that are considered in this case are varied, the celebration of the first Christmas festivities after the attack and its marked emotional character or perhaps as we have indicated before, as if it were a wave in the water, it has affected them when they have taken greater awareness of what happened.

Faced with events of this type, it is difficult for a future mother to not be impressed or not affected by what happened, a dramatic situation such as an attack, a serious accident or any problem of this nature can impact the pregnant woman even if she lives them indirectly. All study data have been published in the electronic journal Human Reproduction.

Video: 911 New York, Washington, Boston, VeniceFlorida (July 2024).