Fluid retention and lymphatic drainage

It is usual that during pregnancy you suffer fluid retention which result in a series of annoying symptoms. You have a feeling of heaviness in your body, of tiredness and the clearest symptom, you have swollen legs.

This is due to hormonal factors, especially the increase in progesterone, which relaxes the tissues and accumulates more fluids, but also the physiological factors influence, the uterus presses the veins of the lower body and complicates the emptying of the vessels lymphatic

To all this, we must add the possibility that you lead a sedentary life and gain excessive weight during pregnancy. All these factors translate into swelling of the ankles and have your legs as if they were lead. Normally during pregnancy, you can retain up to a liter of fluid per day and at night you notice some swelling in your ankles. But after the night rest, that swelling should go down, if not, then you suffer excessive fluid retention.

There are effective ways to solve this problem, perform a lymphatic drainage Manual is a solution. It is a massage that relaxes your body and your mind and provides a feeling of immediate relief. It also gives your skin a better, smoother appearance, thanks to improving your circulation.

With this massage, you eliminate the stagnation of the liquids and favor the assimilation of them, resulting in an anti-swelling effect, but not everything remains there, you also develop the immune system, since the lymphatic system is the one that stimulates the body's defenses. The lymphatic drainage (massage) must be applied by a professional so that effect can arise.

Video: Self Manual Lymphatic Drainage For The Leg (July 2024).