Beware of playgrounds

Playing outdoors is one of the activities preferred by children, especially after two years, when they begin to acquire autonomy and investigate on their own. For them, the word park is something magical, since they can relate to a lot of children, practice new skills, play, run, etc.

But you have to have watch out for playgrounds, that the park facilities are in perfect condition and without any risk for our children. There are no mandatory laws for parks, so it is very important to always accompany children and supervise their games.

For a park to meet the minimum standards, it must be more than 30 meters from the road traffic and must be fenced so that our children cannot easily access the road. You cannot drive any type of vehicle, not even bicycles or scooters. The park floor must be made of soft material to cushion the blow in the event of a fall and the sand must be removed and clean. Swings, slides and rockers have to be made of materials that are not toxic and much less conductive of electricity, that do not release splinters or debris that may inflict damage to our children.

The little ones should have some game elements with a smaller size and above all, special for them, but you should also help your child to get on and off the game elements. The swings must be diaper type and have two holes to introduce the legs, thus protecting the body of the child.

As for the carousels, they have to be sufficiently separated from the rest of the game elements, thus avoiding tripping. Every precaution is little with the life of our son, an accident can occur in the dumbest way and we must try to avoid all possible points of risk.

Video: NBA Playground Beware Phatback (July 2024).