Wooden toys still exist

It is difficult to find among the natural raw materials any more noble than wood; It is ductile, warm, durable: qualities that are strange to find gathered in the same material.

The toys made of wood they are simple and offer the child the opportunity to put their intellectual abilities into play, and children who take much more advantage of a simple toy than one programmed to do things on their own. A toy made of wood is capable of transmitting the dedication, determination and patience of the artisan, as well as aesthetic sense and more real concepts of weight and balance. Also, the wood represents the approach to the child's fantasy: by coming into contact with a noble material and by the simple fact of having form and an elementary mechanism, the wooden toy is attractive to him. Unfortunately, due to the high costs of wood and the careful artisan process with which they are made, large-scale wooden toys are expensive. This is why they lose the battle against plastic, mechanical and electronic toys. However, they have not been displaced by them either. It will be a matter, then, to celebrate this trend that helps to perpetuate wooden toys, objects that last not only in memory but as a cultural element, support of many traditional games and that can offer today's children, while the contact with the past of his parents and grandparents, possibilities of entertainment and skill rare in the digital era.

Video: Santa is Real and He Makes Wooden Toys in Minnesota. Meet the Maker. Etsy (July 2024).