The tender images of some newborn twins who cry when they are separated

Weston and Caleb shared eight months inside the womb, and upon reaching the world they want to remain united. After his mother gave birth, the twins were separated a few moments, but as soon as they met, newborns stopped crying instantly.

The tender moment has been captured with his camera by his father, Dane Lyman, minutes after they were born while measuring and weighing them. Between them a very special bond has been created by sharing space, touching and feeling the skin of his brother at all times. It's the only thing they know, and of course, they cry when they are separated and being together again comforts them.

A very special bond

"One of our greatest hopes, when we discovered that we would have twins, was that, as they grew up, they would be good friends and support each other," said the father.

What I didn't expect was to notice that obvious connection from the start. "Seeing them comfort each other moments after birth was almost like the first step in that special relationship," he said.

That they do not separate you, that they do not separate them

Upon reaching the world and being alone, without being in contact with the brother with whom they shared the maternal womb, or with the skin of their mother, newborns they feel unprotected.

That is why it is important to avoid separation from the mother after birth, even if the delivery has been by caesarean section. Interventions such as clamping the cord, cleaning the baby, measuring or weighing it can be done on the mother (whenever possible), or wait a couple of hours for what is not urgent.

Similarly, especially in the case of twins, care should be taken keep them together after birth to avoid unnecessary stress. If everything went well, they can be explored by keeping them as close as possible to the mother and waiting for them to calm down for other interventions.

Although it has been shared now, the children were born on February 28, four weeks earlier than expected, and join two other sisters, Corinne and Amelia. The Florida couple already has four children under the age of four at home.

The video of the sweetest moment of the twins has gone viral and has already been seen by more than five million people. The parents have said that the brothers continue to console themselves at home and hope that this special bond will continue throughout their lives.

Video: "OMG WE'RE HAVING TRIPLETS" BABY UPDATE! - Entire family surprise pranked! (July 2024).