Is it true that the baby culete is irritated because of teething?

It is a long awaited moment, a milestone in the growth of our son who is celebrated with enthusiasm, although the wait brings us some doubts. Next to the first word or the first step, so special and remembered, who is not aware of when the baby's first tooth comes out?

Teething is a physiological process that usually begins around the sixth and eighth month of life of the baby, although the appearance of the baby's first tooth is very variable. It often happens that this process is accompanied by some symptoms, including irritation of the diaper area. Why is the baby's teething accompanied by an irritated culete? Well, although these are two facts that usually happen simultaneously, there is really no scientific evidence that the eruption of the teeth causes irritation or diaper rash.

But as it is quite frequent to observe this coincidence of irritation around the anus when tooth rash occurs, we will try to reveal the possible causes and especially how to help our little one to not feel uncomfortable and to pass this trance as best as possible, taking care of his skin.

Why does the diaper area get irritated?

One of the most adduced causes to explain this coincidence is that the greater production of saliva that occurs with the exit of the teeth, has as a consequence that the production of more irritating stools is favored.

Remember that drooling can begin a few months before the teeth come out, but it usually coincides at this stage and that is why it has been frequently related. The fact is that with a few months of life the swallowing reflex is quite immature, but in any case, with the increase in saliva production, the baby will ingest a greater amount.

What we have to do about it to avoid rashes around the mouth or chest, for the baby to cool ... is to clean his face with a cloth to remove the drool, put on a bib and change it frequently, as well as the clothes that are I got wet from that excess salivation.

But you also have to keep in mind that it is at these ages, after six months, when new foods are introduced into the baby's diet, so this fact is what mainly contributes to making the baby's poops more irritating on skin contact. If the pH of the hypodermis increases (it becomes more alkaline) it is when dermatitis or skin inflammations occur.

In addition, if the baby has diarrhea (something that may also be due to the introduction of new foods or other causes at this stage, but not to teething) irritation of the diaper area is favored.

Other signs of baby teething

Next to drooling, there are others signs that our baby is about to show his first teeth and we can also be attentive to the irritation of the culete to take care of the diaper area especially:

  • The baby is irritable, more restless, has trouble sleeping ...
  • Reject the food.
  • It has the most sensitive and inflamed gums.

Biting and exploring with the mouth is a fact by which babies explore their environment, but not necessarily related to teething, as there are babies that start long before teeth arise.

Pediatricians remember that teething of the baby does not hurt, although it may bother the baby, but according to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, the small inflammation that occurs with the exit of the teeth is normal and physiological, and we can sometimes observe redness of the gums. Some children seem to be more irritable and others do not even notice the exit of the teeth.

Finally, on the other hand and as we have already advanced, teething does not cause diarrhea or fever, these are some of the myths about the appearance of the first teeth:

  • Regarding diarrhea, the colonization of the digestive tract by germs is more likely at this stage in which, as we have said, the baby puts everything in his mouth to his mouth.

  • Pediatricians believe that fever is not a consequence of teething or a symptom of the exit of the teeth, so we will have to look for other causes.

Fever (more than 38 Cº) is a sign of illness and that something else is happening in the baby's organism, therefore we will have to go to the pediatrician to look for its cause and treat it

Avoid irritation: taking care of the baby's culete

Since they are newborns you have to start good hygiene of the diaper area to prevent the baby from suffering irritations like the dreaded diaper dermatitis. Even so, no baby will get rid of the fact that, at any given time, the ass gets red, itchy, has pimples ...

But it is now, good for the exit of the teeth, and especially for the change in pH that occurs in the feces with the introduction of complementary feeding at these ages, when Babies are more at risk of being irritated by the culete.

Thus, the delicate skin of babies requires that the time of diaper change be the most important in the daily hygiene of the little ones. Let's see how minimize the risks of irritation in the diaper area:

  • So that no skin problems arise it is essential to keep a clean and dry culete. Moisture should be avoided and the diaper changed frequently because the retained urine causes the humidity in the area to be very high and because the fecal enzymes and the ammonia released by the urine increase the pH. In addition, microorganisms from the digestive tract increase the risk of irritation.

  • Try not to wear a diaper during certain lost during the day. In this way we put a stop to irritation, as we cool and release the diaper area, which has a higher body temperature and is subject to virtually continuous occlusion and friction.

  • To protect the area not worth any cosmetic product for the baby and we will use only the essential ones, in the case of the diaper area we use appropriate protective creams, whose function is to isolate the skin from contact with the feces and thus prevent the skin from suffering. It is a pasta or water pasta with zinc oxide.

  • It is not necessary to put a lot of protective cream, nor do it in all diaper changes, but if the culete is reddened or at night, when the baby will wear the same diaper for a longer period.

  • If we are at home we can use soap and water for babies to clean the feces (or hypoallergenic towels without alcohol) and always dry the area well.

  • Check the baby frequently to change it when necessary (poops can't wait) and especially in the case of poops.

  • Do not use talcum powder for diaper changing, not recommended by medical agencies, as it is very common for respiratory problems in the baby and even in extreme cases inhalation poisoning can occur.

According to different studies, talcum powders dry the baby's skin excessively, preventing him from breathing through the pores, and can also cause problems in case of accidental intake, if there is a small wound in the area ...

On the other hand, if next to the appearance of the baby's teeth and the irritated culete there are other discomforts, remember that not everything is allowed to relieve them, for example the bites are under suspicion, as well as the gels to relieve the discomfort of the dentition or the pills, which are also not recommended for their insecurity.

In short, although The direct relationship between the appearance of the baby's teeth and the irritation of the culete is not clearWe hope that with these tips we know both processes better, which often occur simultaneously, and know how to minimize risks and inconveniences. If despite all the care you see that the diaper area is very irritated, with pimples that do not remit and the baby is upset for several days, it is better not to minimize the importance and "blame" the teeth: better go to the Pediatrician to examine and recommend the appropriate treatment.

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