A birth photographer refuses to work for a woman for giving birth by caesarean section

Imagine you're going to give birth. Imagine that you will do it by caesarean section. Imagine that you want to keep a beautiful memory of that moment for a lifetime, and that you are thinking of hiring someone professional to do it. You look for references, you see the work of people who take pictures of births, and when you decide on a photographer and contact her, He refuses to work for you because he tells you that you are not really going to give birth.

It's what happened to a woman called Minted rogue (on Facebook), who posted a capture of the conversation he was having with the photographer on a page called Sanctimommy, where he explained that everything was going well until he told him that the delivery would be by caesarean section.

The photographer replied that if she opted for caesarean section to have her baby, she would not go to do the job, so she should look for someone else.

I didn't 'choose' anything, but it's fine. I had no idea that birth photographers discriminated against women because of how they give birth to their babies, but it's nice to know. You have a good day.

And the photographer continued with her value judgments

Moments later, the photographer replied in the worst possible way, giving her opinion, that which nobody had asked for, full of value judgments, and with a clear tone of condescension, as we read in Families:

A surgery is not a birth, dear. You are not giving birth. You are having surgery to get your baby out of your abdomen. That is not giving birth, no matter how you want to interpret it, and I don't want to be there taking pictures of that. If you want to give motherhood a chance and really give birth, let me know and we'll meet for the photo shoot.

This of motherhood is hard work, if I were you I would think twice about starting tremendous work by taking shortcuts from the beginning.

The reactions were swift

Logically, there were many who became extremely angry when reading such words; others could not believe it was true, because it was too strong to be true; and some were tremendously outraged at being words that come from a woman, and being a person who is supposed to respect motherhood and try to see her from love and love, to capture that with her camera.

I suppose you will say something similar: it is not more mother is the one that stops vaginally than the one that stops by caesarean section. Both are equally mothers. And mother is not only the one who stops: mother is the one who adopts, mother is the partner of a woman who, when giving birth to her baby, is also a mother. Mother is…

Photos | iStock
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Video: Welcome Baby Sullivan! Positive C-Section Birth Vlog (July 2024).