Why are many men appearing with a single painted fingernail?

You may have seen photos of famous and not-so-famous men on the networks with a single painted fingernail. It may seem banal, but the meaning behind this gesture is very serious. Polished Man is a campaign created for make visible the problem of child abuse in the world.

It is believed that one in five minor children will suffer some type of physical and / or sexual abuse before he turned 18. A powerful reason for everyone to mobilize to end this drama.

Why only men?

The campaign is aimed at men, and this has a reason: 90 percent of cases of violence in children are perpetrated by men. That is why we want men to raise their voices against this problem that is much more present in our society than we would like. Because not only happens in distant countries. According to the European Council, one in five children is a victim of sexual violence, with or without physical contact.

I just signed up to the @YGAP @polishedman campaign! One in five children fall victim to physical and / or sexual violence, before they turn 18. That's one too many. For the month of October, I'll be painting one nail to represent this statistic and raise awareness and funds to end violence against children. Sign up today at www.polishedman.com and donate! #Polishedman # Thanks to @laurapanton for all her incredible work !!

A photo posted by Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) on Sep 26, 2016 at 1:18 p.m. PDT

It started in Australia and is spreading like gunpowder to other countries. Increasingly famous are joining the cause, including actors Chris Hemsworth and Alec Baldwin, who have uploaded photos of their painted nails to their Instagram profiles with the hashtag #polishedmen.

The initiative was created by Elliot Costello, a young man who, traveling through Southeast Asia, met a girl named Thea, a girl who with eight years was abandoned by her father and admitted to an orphanage by her mother, with the intention of taking care of her. But the man who was supposed to take care of her abused her every day for two years.

Elliot went to the first person she met after suffering that ordeal, the first person she trusted. When he said goodbye, the girl drew a heart in the palm of his hand and he painted her nails blue. Hence, the idea of ​​honoring this girl, and through her many other children, who live terrible stories that do not deserve to live.

The initiative has managed to raise more than $ 430,000 so far that will serve to protect children most susceptible to abuse.

Video: If You See A Man With Polish On Only One Nail, Heres Why You Should Take Note (July 2024).